Thursday, February 25, 2010

Seminary: 75 Helaman 5-6

Background: The Nephites start to experience “much contention” and as a result many Nephites leave for then north, and then many join the Lamanites in order to inflict pain and suffering among the Nephites left behind. Nephi the son of Helaman is made chief judge of the land

Due to the wickedness of a more part of the Nephites, Nephi is deposed as the Chief Judge by a wicked man named Cezoram.

Helaman 5:2-3

What is the state of the world for the Nephites?
• Those that choose evil are more numerous than those that do not
• The Nephites were ripening in destruction
• Laws have been corrupted
• They were a stiffnecked people

What do you think “ripening in destruction” mean?

How does this compare with our country?

How can we weather this storm of wickedness?

Show a large rock or a picture of a large rock/building?

How would this object be affected by a storm?

How about a handful of sand?

If you were to build a house what material would you want to build upon? Why?

How are temptations like a storm?

How is Jesus Christ like the rock?

Helaman 5:12

How can we build our foundation upon the rock of Christ?

What promise is given to those who build upon this rock?

Why do you think Helaman repeated the word “remember”?

Draw: Picture of a sword

What are some events in the Book of Mormon that involve a sword?

What is more persuasive, the sword or a testimony?

Which is more likely to change behavior?

After Nephi was released from the Judgment seat, he and his brother set out to reclaim their people unto the lord and began their mission to the people.

Helaman 5:13-19

Where did they go?

They went to the people of Nephi who were in the land southward, and then to the Lamanites in the land of Zarahemla.

What affect did they have upon the Nephites who had dissented to the Lamanites? Many confessed their sins and were baptized.

What affect did they have on the Lamanites?

About 8,000 Lamanites were baptized unto repentance

Explain story of Nephi and Lehi when they were imprisoned by the Lamanites. Helaman 5:21-50

A majority of the Lamanites were converted and baptized. They were more righteous than the Nephites. They proceeded to preach repentance unto the Nephites.

The Nephites continue to fall into gross wickedness. The Gadianton robbers took over the government of the Nephites.

Satan had a great hold upon the hearts of the Nephites.

How can we prevent Satan from getting a hold of our hearts?

Elder Marvin J. Ashton:
“We must constantly emphasize the truth that we love that to which we give time, whether it is the gospel, God, or gold. Often we hear expressions of love for the scriptures, including Jesus’ teachings. Those who study, practice, and apply the truths not only know them best, but are fortified to use them for guidance all along life’s paths. The man who most appreciated the opportunity of tithe payment is he who experiences the joys and blessings that come through sacrifice, and obedience to that law. Our appreciation and love of the gospel and its teachings will always be in proportion to our service and commitment to the gospel”
(Ensign, May 1981, 24)

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