Monday, February 8, 2010

Seminary: 68 Alma 39

Background: Alma continues his counsel with his sons. This chapter and the next few covers his counsel to his son Corianton.

What does “abominable” mean? (repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome)

What are the three most abominable sins?
1. Denying the Holy Ghost
2. Shedding blood
3. Fornication

Why do you think that Fornication is next to murder in seriousness?

Video: President Boyd K. Packer; “Unchastity is ‘Most Abominable’”

Who was Corianton?

What happened to him?

The Uniform System for Teaching Families [missionary discussions, 1973], H-13):

“One of God’s many powers, one that he values very highly, is the power to give and take life. He has forbidden us to take life, but has shared with us his power to create it, by allowing us to bring children into this world. Because this is a divine power, he has commanded all of his children to use it correctly and reserve it only for marriage. He has also told us that the desire behind this great power must be controlled and used within the bounds he has set”
Video: Book of Mormon Video 14, These Things Are an Abomination

Why is fornication an abomination?

Alma 39:1-2

What do you think may have lead to his being tempted? (Pride)

How does Pride lead us into other sins?

Elder Richard G. Scott:

“Satan tempts a weaker individual to rationalize that when two are in love and agree that sexual intimacies can be performed, that such things are acceptable. They positively are not. The boundaries of appropriate behavior are defined by God.

Strongly tied to the sacred, private parts of the body are powerful emotions intended to be used within the covenant of marriage between a man and woman in ways that are appropriate and acceptable to them both. They are an important part of the love and trust that bond a husband and wife together and prepare them for the responsibilities of a family. They bring the blessing of children. These emotions are not to be stimulated or used for personal gratification outside of the covenant of marriage. Do not touch the private, sacred parts of another person's body to stimulate those emotions. Do not allow anyone to do that with you, with or without clothing. Do not arouse those emotions in your own body. These things are wrong. Do not do them. Such practices would undermine your ability to be inspired by the Holy Ghost in the vitally important decisions you must make for your future. They lead to binding addictions and grievous transgressions.

Satan knows that those powerful emotions can be aroused by things you could see, hear, or touch. When stirred, those emotions can be used to lead one to destructive experimentation, then to serious transgressions. He uses pornography through videotapes, movies, magazines, computer images, or contaminated music for this purpose. Close your eyes, ears, mind, and heart to it. Unchecked, it would surely grow unrelentingly from initial curiosity step-by-step to become a raging monster. That demon would wreck wholesome desires, worthy companionship, noble thoughts and acts until it could destroy you. Don't lift the cover of salacious material in any form, and you will not be captured by it.”
What relationship did Alma have to Corianton? (Father and priesthood leader)

Corianton had committed a serious sin. As his father and priesthood leader he desired to help him through the repentance process.

Alma 39:7-8

What is Alma trying to teach Corianton here?

Why might people want to hide their sins?

What might they hope to gain by hiding their sins?

Why do you think that Satan wants us to hide our sins instead of confessing them?

What could be the consequences of a missionary trying to hide sins from a priesthood leader?

Sexual sins are serious and bring great sorry. Through the atonement of Jesus Christ we can receive peace and a clear conscience to those who repent fully.

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