Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Seminary: 73 Helaman 1-2

Background: The war between the Lamanites and Nephites is over. The Nephites are now in a period of peace.

Every time we have seen a period of peace among the Nephites what has happened?

Helaman 1:1-5

What is going on here?

Helaman 1:6-8

What happened next?

What does the phrase “a house divided against itself” mean?

What brought about this division?

Have we seen this occur in the past?

Elder Henry B. Eyring:

“The sacrament prayer can remind us every week of how the gift of unity will come through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we keep our covenants to take His name upon us, to remember Him always, and to keep all His commandments, we will receive the companionship of His Spirit. That will soften our hearts and unite us. But there are two warnings which must come with that promise.

“First, the Holy Ghost remains with us only if we stay clean and free from the love of the things of the world. A choice to be unclean will repel the Holy Ghost. The Spirit dwells only with those who choose the Lord over the world….

“The other warning is to beware of pride. A unity which comes to a family or to a people softened by the Spirit will bring great power. With that power will come recognition from the world. Whether that recognition brings praise or envy, it could lead us to pride. That would offend the Spirit. There is a protection against pride, that sure source of disunity. It is to see the bounties which God pours upon us not only as a mark of His favor but an opportunity to join with those around us in greater service.”
(Ensign, May 1998, 68).
What are the two warnings that Elder Eyring mentions? (Spirit will only remain with clean people, pride)

How did these two elements affect the Nephi people at this time?

Now concerning the people who supported Paanchi, what do you think that they did next?

Helaman 1:9-11

What is disturbing about this?

Do these associations sound like anything that goes on today?


Elder Bruce R. McConkie:

“Bands of Gadianton robbers will infest every nation”
Who are the Gadianton Robbers?

They started off with this Kishkumen and is the led by a man named Gadianton after Kishkumen is killed.

They are a secret band of Nephites who desire power.

What does the term “secret combinations” mean to you?

The institute manual for the Book of Mormon provides 12 points about secret combinations and how they work.

1. Their two objectives are to get gain and power and then glory in it (see Helaman 6:17; Ether 8:22; Moses 5:31)

2. Secret combinations require general wickedness to survive (see Helaman 6:21, 31, 38)

3. Secret combinations thrive on secrecy, violation of which is a capital offense (see Helaman 5:22; 6:22; Moses 5:29, 50).

4. Secret combinations involve formal covenant making (see Helaman 6:22; Moses 5:30-31).

5. They use murder, violence, threat of violence, plunder, vice, whoredoms, and flattery to get gain and power (see Helaman 2:4-5; 6:17, 23).

6. Secret combinations operate on laws contrary to the laws of the country (see Helaman 6:23).

7. Satan is the grand conspirator and author (see Helaman 6:26-30)

8. Participants have court trials for their own people-not according to the laws of the land but according to their own set of laws (see Helaman 6:23-24).

9. They seek to take governmental power as rapidly as possible(see Helaman 2:5; 6:39).

10. Participants seek to overthrow freedom for others but seek to maintain freedom for themselves (see Ether 8:25, Moses 5:28-33).

11. Secret combinations cause the destruction of nations (see Alma 37:21, 26, 29; Helaman 2:13; Ether 8:21-22).

12. Secret combinations cause the destruction of nations (see 3 Nephi 9:9; Ether 8:18).

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