Monday, March 1, 2010

Seminary: 76 Helaman 7-9

Background: The Lamanites are more righteous than the Nephites, they have been preaching to the Nephites to try to save them. The Gadianton Robbers were in control of the Nephite government.

Video: Book of Mormon Video 17 “The Pride Cycle”

Can someone please summarize this story?

Wave any of you ever thought… I would have like to live at the same time as…?

Who was it and why?

Write: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities [1997], 1)

What makes our days “the worst of times”?

What makes them the “best of times?”

“The plan of happiness is available to all of [God’s] children. If the world would embrace and live it, peace, joy, plenty would abound on the earth. Much of the suffering we know today would be eliminated if people throughout the world would understand and live the gospel” (Ensign, May 1995, 23).
How can the gospel help make any day be “the best of times”?

Compare Helaman 7:21 and Doctrine and Covenants 121:35

What are motivations that can lead a person to wickedness?

Helaman 7:21

D&C 121:35

“to get gain”

“their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world”

“to be praised of men”
“aspire to the honors of men”

Elder Russell M. Ballard:

“One of Satan’s clever tactics is to tempt us to concentrate on the present and ignore the future. The Lord warned Joseph Smith that ‘Satan seeketh to turn their hearts away from the truth, that they become blinded and understand not the things which are prepared for them’ (D&C 78:10). The ‘things which are prepared for them’ are the promised rewards of eternal life, which come as a result of obedience. The devil attempts to blind us to these rewards. President Heber J. Grant said that ‘if we are faithful in keeping the commandments of God His promises will be fulfilled to the very letter….The trouble is, the adversary of men’s souls blinds their minds. He throws dust, so to speak, in their eyes, and they are blinded with the things of this world’ (Gospel Standards, comp. G. Homer Durham [Salt Lake City: Improvement Era, 1941], pp. 44-45). He tempts us with the transitory pleasures of the world so that we will not focus our minds and efforts on the things that bring eternal joy. The devil is a dirty fighter, and we must be aware of his tactics” (Ensign, Nov. 1990, 36).
Have any of you seen fights in movies where one of the fighters kicks dirt into the eyes of their opponent?

What affect does this action have on the opponent?

Is this a “fair fight” tactic? Why?

Elder Ballard mentioned that Satan uses this manner of tactics in dealing with us. He wants us to not be able to see the whole picture.

Write: What you do not know can’t hurt you

Is this a true statement?

Let’s compare the recent events in Chile and Hawaii. Is anyone familiar with what happened?

The Chileans did not have any warning that the 8.8 earth quake was coming. The death toll as of Sunday night was 708.

One of the results of that earthquake was the generation of some tsunamis that hit the Hawaiian islands and some other south pacific islands. They had fair warning and as a result were able to take cover and so far there has not been any deaths.

If the persons in Chili had a fair warning that there was going to be an earthquake do you think that the impact would have reduced?

Helaman 7:4-5

Who filled the judgment seats of the Nephites?

How did the Gadianton Robbers gain positions of power and authority?

How did they use that power and authority?

How did these wicked persons treat the righteous?

We must be careful of secret combinations in our days.

Elder M. Russell Ballard:

“The Book of Mormon teaches that secret combinations engaged in crime present a serious challenge, not just to individuals and families but to entire civilizations….

“If we are not careful, today’s secret combinations can obtain power and influence just as quickly and just as completely as they did in Book of Mormon times. Do you remember the pattern? The secret combinations began among the ‘more wicked part’ of society, but eventually ‘seduced the more part of the righteous’ until the whole society was polluted [Helaman 6:38]” (Ensign Nov 1997, 38).
What is a secret combination?

What is alluring about them?

How can we keep ourselves protected from them?

How can we keep our city, state, nation protected from them?

How can the principles of the Gospel help protect against them?

What would happen to secret combinations if there wasn’t a ‘more wicked part’ of society?

Elder Ballard continued:

“As a church, we recognize that the gospel of Jesus Christ, with its saving truths and teachings, provides the most effective preventative and rehabilitative assistance in overcoming criminal behavior. Parents bear the first and greatest responsibility to teach their children principles of gospel living and good citizenship….

“We should also support the efforts of individuals, organizations, communities, and governments to assist
them and help prevent crime. We should work within our respective legal and judicial systems to enact and enforce laws that provide necessary protection against criminals while ensuring essential rights and freedoms. And we should volunteer to support and assist government leaders in promoting programs designed to protect and strengthen families and communities….

“I know it is sometimes hard to stand for truth and right. Yet we need to be positive examples if we are to help others find a better way. Thankfully, we can draw strength from those who have gone before us. While the road we walk today, the courage required to be faithful is similar, and their experiences are instructive” (Ensign, Nov 1997, 38-39)
What solutions did Elder Ballard give that could help us improve our community?

How can we support our parents in their responsibility to teach their children?

Who can we look to for strength in times of trial and times of ease?

How can we obtain strength?

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