Monday, February 22, 2010

Seminary: 72 Alma 59-63

Background: Helaman finishes his account in a letter to Captain Moroni.

This week we will be talking about Governmental Coups, Intrigue, Murder, Wars, Secret combinations, Pride, Humility and much more.


Prophet Joseph Smith:

“Unity is power; and when I reflect on the importance of it to the stability of all governments, I am astounded at the silly moves of persons and parties to foment discord in order to ride into power”
(History of the Church, 6:198).
Foment: to foster…, promote the growth or development of…

What do you think this statement means?

How is unity power?

Why would Satan want to disrupt the unity of a nation? of the Church? of your family?

What are some of the issues that Heleman mentioned that they had in his letter to Captain Moroni? (they were low in supplies and are in sever need of additional resources).

Hearing this from Helaman what do you think Moroni did? (He sent a letter to the governor of the land asking for more people to be sent to Helaman as well as to other areas that needed them).

As Captain Moroni was making plans to go against the Lamanites to take back those parts of the lands that they have lost a large group of Nephites came to Moroni for help.

Alma 59:8-9

Who were these people?

Why were they coming to Captain Moroni?

Why was Captain Moroni surprised to see them?

What would you have done in Captain Moroni’s shoes?

Read through Alma 60

What attitude was Captain Moroni showing?

What are some points that he makes?

Read through Alma 61

What attitude does Pahoran have?

What was going on in Zarahemla?

Did Pahoran have a right to be upset by the words of Moroni?

What does this tell us about his character?

What was the final consensus of what they planned to do?

Video: Choose not to be offended, Elder David A. Bednar

What was the main point of this talk: We cannot control someone else’s actions or intentions but we can control how we feel about them.

Maroni and Pahoran recover the land of Zarahemla and put to death the Nephite dissenters.

Teancum sneaks into the Lamanite’s camp and kills Ammaron and in turn is also killed.

The Lamanites all go home.

Many of the Nephites leave the land to go to other lands, North America, Alaska, Pacific Islands…

President Spencer W. Kimball:

“And so it seems to me rather clear that your ancestors moved northward and crossed a part of the South Pacific. You did not bring your records with you, but you brought much food and provisions. And so we have a great congregation of people in the South Seas who came from the Nephites, and who came from the land southward and went to the land northward, which could have been Hawaii. And then they further settlements could have been a move southward again to all of these islands and even to New Zealand. The Lord knows what he is doing when he sends his people from one place to another. That was the scattering of Israel. Some of them remained in America and went from Alaska to the southern point. And others of you came this direction.

“President Joseph F. Smith, when president of the Church, said to the [Maori] people of New Zealand, ‘I would like to say to you brethren and sisters from New Zealand, you are some of Hagoth’s people, and there is NO PERHAPS about it’ (Joseph F. Smith, quoted by William A. Cole and Elwin W. Jensen, Israel in the Pacific, p. 388) He didn’t want any arguments about it” (Samoa Area Conference 1976, 15).

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