Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Seminary: 69 Alma 40

Background: Alma is counseling his son Corianton regarding his transgressions and questions regarding the resurrection.

After counseling his son about his sins Alma senses that his son has some questions regarding the resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:21-22 (chiasmus)

What does “For as in Adam all die” refer to?

What does “even so, Christ shall all be made alive” refer to?

Why would someone who has been involved in serious sin be concerned with the resurrection?

What happens at the resurrection?

How does our view of the resurrection affect our view of life and death?

Alma gave one of the longest discourses on the resurrection found in the scriptures.

-Have the students read the following and determine what the main points are

Alma 40:1-2 (There will be no Resurrection until after the coming of Jesus Christ.

Alma 40:3 (Jesus Christ brings the resurrection)

Alma 40:4 (There is a time appointed for all people to be resurrected).

Alma 40:6-9 (There is a period of time between death and the Resurrection).

Alma 40:11-12 (Righteous spirits await the resurrection in a state of happiness called paradise).

Alma 40:13-14 (The wicked await the Resurrection in darkness and fear of judgment).

Alma 40:16-19 (Those who lived before Jesus Christ are resurrected before those who live after Him).

Alma 40:23; 41:2 (When the spirit and the body are reunited, every limb, joint, hair and part of the physical body will be restored to its proper place).

Alma 42:23 (The Atonement makes the Resurrection possible, and the Resurrection brings everyone back into the presence of God to be judged).

Resurrection is our rescue from Physical death.

What saves us from Spiritual death? (Atonement)

What does Justice mean? (righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness)

What does Mercy mean? (Compassionate, Kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one’s power; compassion, pity, or benevolence)

What does Mediator mean? (A person who mediates, esp. between parties at variance)

Video: Book of Mormon Video 15, The Mediator

How did the mediator resolve the issue between Justice and Mercy?

Who does the Mediator represent?

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