Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Seminary: 109 Moroni 10

Background: Moroni caps of the Book of Mormon with his final counsel and testimony.

Define: promise: an express assurance on which expectation is to be based

Which of the following people would most likely keep a promise?

• A prisoner at a penitentiary

• A telephone sales representative

• An acquaintance

• A good friend

• A person who has already lied to you

• A parent

• A prophet

• The Lord

Have students read Moroni 10:3-5

Write categories: God’s Promise, Our Duty

God’s Promise

• He will manifest the truth unto you

Our Duty

• We have to read these things

• Remember how merciful the Lord hath been

• Receive these things

• Ponder them in your heart

• Ask God in the name of Christ if they are true

• Ask with a sincere heart and real intent, having faith in Christ

Talk about each of the items and see how they apply to obtaining the promise.

How can we recognize the power of the Holy Ghost?

How can we know what feelings come from God and which come from Satan?

How can we apply this pattern to use other truths?

What are some truths that you have learned by the power of the Holy Ghost?

Share testimony

Look around you and consider the talents, character traits or abilities that each has.

Why is it important to recognize the strengths of others around you?

How has the combination of strengths and talents helped to make our class better?

How might our class be different if everyone had the same talents and abilities?

Moroni 10:8

What does Moroni teach about in this verse?

How many people have been given at least one spiritual gift?

From whom do these gifts come?

Why are these gifts given?

Read through Moroni 10:9-23

List the spiritual gifts mentioned

What evidence have you seen that these gifts exist in the Church today?

How can we use our gifts, along with the gifts of others, to bless the church?

What would the Church be like if everyone had the same gifts?

How have the gifts of others blessed your lives?

Spiritual gifts come to those who earnestly seek them and are taken from those who disbelieve.

What are some examples of people who have lost talents due to disobedience?

Let us picture for a moment, Moroni placing the plates in the hill.

What do you imagine he must be feeling at this time?

How do you think he felt about the plates? Why?

Why was this event so significant to him and his people?

Why are someone’s final words and testimony so important?

How do you think he must have felt as he wrote chapter 10?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:

“Moroni’s last appeal, expressed on behalf of every prophet who ever wrote in this other testament of Jesus Christ, is for us to be cleansed from the blood and sin of our generation [see D&C 88:75, 85]. ‘Come unto Christ,’ he says, ‘and be perfected in him…’ [Moroni 10:32].

“…Purity, Holiness. Character and conscience without blemish. All these through the grace of Christ, which cleanses our garments, sanctifies our souls, saves us from death, and restores us to our divine origins.

“With his last recorded breath Moroni bore witness of his own firm faith in such divine redemption. To his fallen Nephites, to the warring Lamanites, to those tragic Jaredites, and to us, Moroni wrote;

“’And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick and dead. Amen’ [Moroni 10:34].

“Thus the Book of Mormon ends, flying as it were with Moroni, on the promise of the Holy Resurrection [see Revelation 14:6]. That is most fitting, for this sacred testament-written by prophets, delivered by angels, protected by God-speaks as one ‘crying from the dead,’ exhorting all to come unto Christ and be perfected in him, in process culminating in the perfection of celestial glory. In anticipation of that triumphant hour, God has set his hand for the last time to gather Jew, Gentile, Lamanite, and all the house of Israel.

“The Book of Mormon is the New Covenant memorializing that grand latter-day endeavor. All who receive it and embrace the principles and ordinances it declares will one day see the Savior as he is, and they will be like him. They will be sanctified and redeemed through the grace of his innocent blood. They will be purified even as he is pure. They will be holy and without spot. They will be called the children of Christ” (Christ and the New Covenant, 338-39).

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