Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Seminary: 103 Ether 12

Background: The Jaredite kings lead the people into wickedness. There have been many wars and destruction among the people.

What do we know about Ether? Write answers on the board.

Elder Neal A Maxwell:

“Ether is a classic example of a prophet who devoted his whole life to the cause of the Savior. ‘In the days of Coriantumr’ Ether reached a point in his spiritual development when, as a prophet, he ‘could not be restrained because of the Spirit of the Lord which was in him.’ (Eth. 12:2.) Because his righteousness removed the restraints that otherwise hold each of us back, Ether actually saw high points of the future-centuries before these were to occur….

“Ether was born of a kingly line, but at one point his family was in captivity. Ether’s father ‘dwelt in captivity all his days.’ (Eth. 11:23; see also 1:6-33, 6:22-27.)…

“Later, courageous Ether prophesied face to face to king, Coriantumr when Ether was directed by the Lord to do so:…

“’And it came to pass that Coriantumr repented not, neither his household, neither the people; and the wars ceased not; and they sought to kill Ether, but he fled from before them and hid again in the cavity of the rock.’ (Eth. 13:20-22)

“It must have torn at Ether’s emotions to see the people he loved move relentlessly toward anarchy. This was actual physical and political anarchy. Eventually, the situation deteriorated into one in which ‘every man with his band [was] fighting for that which he desired.’ (Eth. 13:25.)” (“Three Jaredites: Contrasting Contemporaries,” Ensign, Aug. 1978, 6-8).
How does this statement add to our knowledge of who Ether was?

How easy do you think it was for Ether seeing the people, his people, in a state of wickedness, knowing that their destruction was eminent?

What do you think helped to give him strength during these times?

Ether 12:4

What function does the anchor have on a boat?

How can our faith be an anchor in a spiritual storm?

Ether 12:6

Why must we have faith before we can have a spiritual witness?

What are some examples of spiritual manifestations that did not have an effect on the recipient?

Elder Richard G. Scott:

“Anchor your life in Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. Make your Eternal Father and His Beloved Son the most important priority in your life-more important than life itself, more important than a beloved companion or children or anyone on earth. Make their will your central desire. Then all that you need for happiness will come to you” (Ensign, May 1993, 34).
What does it mean to anchor our lives in Jesus Christ?

What can we do to anchor our lives in Jesus Christ?

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