Monday, May 24, 2010

Seminary: 107 Moroni 8

Background: Prior to closing the writings of the Book of Mormon Moroni added several letters from his father that he thought was of worth to future generations.

What are some funny or interesting things you have seen children do?

Why do you think that the Lord asked us to become like little children?

How do you think Jesus feels about little children?

What evidence is there from the scriptures that this is the case?
Why do you think that the Savior loves them so much?

Moroni 8 provides some explanations regarding several doctrines regarding children.

Review Moroni 8:1-24

D&C 29:46-50

1. You have just met a young couple whose four-year-old son was killed in a car accident. They have many questions, especially about what will happen to their son now.

2. A recent convert agrees that baptism for eight-year-old children is a good idea but wonders why that doctrine is stressed so much. She asks, “It doesn’t really matter if a person is baptism when they are eight months old, eight years old, or eighty years old, does it?”

3. As a missionary you meet a man who is sincerely seeking truth. He explains that all his life he was taught that little children are born unclean because of Adam’s transgression. He is certain that when infants die without being baptized, they die “unclean” and go to hell.

4. Your seminary teacher asks, “How does a belief in infant baptism show a lack of understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ?

5. You have been asked to give a two-minute talk to the Primary children on the topic “Jesus Christ has perfect love for little children.”

6. During a Relief Society meeting, a sister asks about little children being without sin. She tells how her six-year-old son did something very bad, even after she explained to him why it was wrong. She is convinced that her son knew better and wonders why what he did would not be considered a sin for him.

7. A friend of yours tells you she has a brother with Down’s syndrome and has always heard that people born with certain mental disabilities are “not accountable.” She thinks they might be guaranteed a place in the celestial kingdom, like those children who die before age of eight. She asks if you know any scriptures that teach that doctrine.

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