Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Seminary: 102 Ether 7-11

Background: The Jaredites are in the Promised Land and are desirous to have a king.

Show medicine bottle

What is this?

What is it used for?

What is the dosage?

Why would they put the directions on the bottle?

What would happen if the directions are not followed?

Let’s take a moment to discuss an event that occurred earlier in the Book of Mormon

How did King Mosiah obtain the plates that the book of Ether is abridged from?

What did King Mosiah do with the plates?

What did the plates contain?

How did Mosiah’s people respond to the account?

Mormon 28:19

Why was this account added to the Book of Mormon later?

How can this statement be likened to instructions on a medicine bottle?

Scripture Reference "Warning Label"

Ether 7:4-7 Leaders who seek power in an unrighteous way bring captivity, death, and sorrow to their people

Ether 7:23-27 We must listen to the prophet's warnings or suffer destruction

Ether 8:9-26 Because secret combinations can ruin whole nations, they must be destroyed.

Elder Robert D. Hales:

“We live in a world of turmoil where we can find sadness and destruction in every corner, much of which is brought about by man’s failure to listen to the words of the true prophets of God. How different would the lives have been of those who lived in all dispensations if they had listened to the prophet Moses and followed the Ten Commandments?

“There has always been a desperate need for the steady and reassuring voice of a living prophet of God-one who will speak the mind and will of God in showing the way to spiritual safety and personal peace and happiness”
(Ensign, May 1995, 15).

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