Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Seminary: 108 Moroni 9

Background: Moroni chapter 9 contains the last of three letters that Moroni received from his father and believed that they would be beneficial to us.

Write: Decay – to become decomposed; rot; to decline in excellence, prosperity, health, etc.; deteriorate.

What is an example of decay that we see on a regular basis? (food)

What can help to slow down or prevent this decay?

Can the decayed object be healed?

How does this compare to people?

What can cause a person to decay?

What can prevent decay in a person from happening?

How can decay in a person be healed?

Moroni 9:3-5

Moroni 9:8-10

What were the people like at this time?

Mormon expressed his concerns about this.

Moroni 9:11-14

How long did it take for them to sink into this decay?

Imagine that you are Mormon or Moroni. How would you feel if you witnessed this depravity?

What would you do?

What is our duty concerning people who turn from the Lord?

Moroni 9:6

What council did Mormon give Moroni regarding what he should do?

What can we learn from Mormon’s example?

Jacob 1:19

How does this verse relate to Mormon’s teaching?

What are some ways that we can labor diligently for those who turn against the Lord?

Moroni 9:22, 25-26

How do you think this might have comforted Moroni during these times of trial?

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