Sunday, May 30, 2010

Talk: Importance of Seminary

Story of the rich man and his servant

A rich man and his servant were out hunting ducks one day. While waling the rich man said to his servant, I do not believe in God and you do correct? Why is it then that I have so much and you have so little? The servant told his master that he would need to think on that question and would give him an answer later. A short time later the master sighted two ducks, killing one and wounding the other. He instructed his servant to go after the wounded one first since it still had the chance to escape and that the dead one was not going anywhere. After retrieving the ducks the servant told his master that he had an answer to his question. He said that the he had so little because Satan was trying him since he, like the wounded duck, might still be able to get away from him and that the master was dead already and was not going anywhere.

There is no doubt that these are the last days. There are debasing temptations all around us. Similar to the servant in the story, Satan is after anyone who might get away and is using every means to try to get him or her.

He is not stupid he knows that our formative years are when we are young. He knows that if he can plan one addictive tendency in the hearts and minds of our youth then he just might be able to claim him or her.

The Church knows this as well. This is why it puts such an emphasis on the youth. Over half of the Church encouraged programs are geared towards the youth. In addition to regular church attendance we also have:

• Mutual
• Duty to God/Young Women in Excellence
• Scouting
• Youth Conference
• Seminary/Institute
• Youth Camps
• Family Home Evening

We could spend days talking about each of these items though as many of you probably guessed I am only going to speak on one of these items.

What is the purpose of Seminary?

I asked that in class one day and one of my students said that it was pointless. That makes this person’s day worse due to losing sleep. The individual mentioned that they have many home and school obligations already and being forced to attend seminary was negatively impacting this person’s school performance.

Obviously this was not the answer I was looking for. I will circle back to this comment in a moment, though first I want to provide some comments from our general authorities as to what they think the purpose of Seminary is.

Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook for CES Teachers and Leaders [1994], 3

“The objective of religious education in the Church Educational System is to assist the individual, the family, and the priesthood leaders in accomplishing the mission of the Church.”
Brother Joe J. Christensen, Associate Commissioner for Religious Education, Aug 1978

“…the purpose of the seminaries and institutes is to assist the home in cultivating and nourishing the divine nature of the youth of the Church.”
What is the mission of the Church? The mission of the church is to help fulfill Christ’s mission. Christ told Moses “For this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).

How do we do that; well it first starts in the home. As Brother Christensen said, seminary and institute are there to assist the home in cultivating and nourishing the divine nature of the youth of the Church.

How does it do that?

First let’s talk about what is involved in Seminary.

1. First it involves our youth to sacrifice their time and sleep.

2. Second it provides an opportunity for spiritual enrichment each day

3. Third it promotes personal scripture study at home

4. Fourth it encourages the learning and memorizing of scriptural passages that the Church leadership has determined would provide us benefit in times of trial.

Now like the analogy that a person can lead a horse to water but cannot make them drink. Parents can encourage or even force their students to wake up and go to church. What they cannot do is get them to have the desire to stay awake in class and listen to the lesson and hopefully open themselves to the Spirit.

Now back to the comment that my student made. It is true that there is a certain amount of sacrifice that goes with attending Seminary. The sacrifice is not just on your end, but is on the end of your parents, priesthood leaders and teacher.

In one of our lessons we discussed the situation of how two people can experience the same event and yet feel completely different about it. It all comes down to understanding and desire.

First you need to understand why we have seminary and what it is for. We have discussed the purpose of seminary though I believe that there is more to it. Our youth are at a cross-road in their spiritual development where they have to wean themselves off of their parents and gain a testimony of their own. Gaining a testimony requires sacrifice and faith. These programs of the Church have been designed specifically to help our youth stretch themselves and gain faith through sacrifice.

Second is desire. Without desire a person is only going through the motions. If there is no desire then the person is not really receiving any benefit other than blessing of obedience. Desire is what drives us to gaining faith.

By increasing our understanding and desire we gain in faith and then can develop a testimony.

In 1992 Elder Wirthlin gave a talk in the October conference comparing our testimony to a fire. He started off talking about how many years ago in the Ukraine large packs of wolves roamed the country side and travelers had to build big bonfires and keep them going throughout the night in order to keep the wolves at bay. He them compared the wolves to the temptations of Satan and the fire to our testimonies. In order to be able to start a fire one must have kindling and a spark. The spark is faith and the kindling is the exercising of our faith. Kindling alone will not keep the fire going. We also need logs of all different sizes. The purpose of these logs is to keep the spark going so that the flame stays strong. The logs come in the form of attending church, saying prayers, reading scriptures, attending seminary, giving service and so forth. By choosing not to participate in these any of these we are limiting the number of logs that we have to throw on the fire and thus increase our chance of letting the wolves in.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Seminary: 109 Moroni 10

Background: Moroni caps of the Book of Mormon with his final counsel and testimony.

Define: promise: an express assurance on which expectation is to be based

Which of the following people would most likely keep a promise?

• A prisoner at a penitentiary

• A telephone sales representative

• An acquaintance

• A good friend

• A person who has already lied to you

• A parent

• A prophet

• The Lord

Have students read Moroni 10:3-5

Write categories: God’s Promise, Our Duty

God’s Promise

• He will manifest the truth unto you

Our Duty

• We have to read these things

• Remember how merciful the Lord hath been

• Receive these things

• Ponder them in your heart

• Ask God in the name of Christ if they are true

• Ask with a sincere heart and real intent, having faith in Christ

Talk about each of the items and see how they apply to obtaining the promise.

How can we recognize the power of the Holy Ghost?

How can we know what feelings come from God and which come from Satan?

How can we apply this pattern to use other truths?

What are some truths that you have learned by the power of the Holy Ghost?

Share testimony

Look around you and consider the talents, character traits or abilities that each has.

Why is it important to recognize the strengths of others around you?

How has the combination of strengths and talents helped to make our class better?

How might our class be different if everyone had the same talents and abilities?

Moroni 10:8

What does Moroni teach about in this verse?

How many people have been given at least one spiritual gift?

From whom do these gifts come?

Why are these gifts given?

Read through Moroni 10:9-23

List the spiritual gifts mentioned

What evidence have you seen that these gifts exist in the Church today?

How can we use our gifts, along with the gifts of others, to bless the church?

What would the Church be like if everyone had the same gifts?

How have the gifts of others blessed your lives?

Spiritual gifts come to those who earnestly seek them and are taken from those who disbelieve.

What are some examples of people who have lost talents due to disobedience?

Let us picture for a moment, Moroni placing the plates in the hill.

What do you imagine he must be feeling at this time?

How do you think he felt about the plates? Why?

Why was this event so significant to him and his people?

Why are someone’s final words and testimony so important?

How do you think he must have felt as he wrote chapter 10?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:

“Moroni’s last appeal, expressed on behalf of every prophet who ever wrote in this other testament of Jesus Christ, is for us to be cleansed from the blood and sin of our generation [see D&C 88:75, 85]. ‘Come unto Christ,’ he says, ‘and be perfected in him…’ [Moroni 10:32].

“…Purity, Holiness. Character and conscience without blemish. All these through the grace of Christ, which cleanses our garments, sanctifies our souls, saves us from death, and restores us to our divine origins.

“With his last recorded breath Moroni bore witness of his own firm faith in such divine redemption. To his fallen Nephites, to the warring Lamanites, to those tragic Jaredites, and to us, Moroni wrote;

“’And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick and dead. Amen’ [Moroni 10:34].

“Thus the Book of Mormon ends, flying as it were with Moroni, on the promise of the Holy Resurrection [see Revelation 14:6]. That is most fitting, for this sacred testament-written by prophets, delivered by angels, protected by God-speaks as one ‘crying from the dead,’ exhorting all to come unto Christ and be perfected in him, in process culminating in the perfection of celestial glory. In anticipation of that triumphant hour, God has set his hand for the last time to gather Jew, Gentile, Lamanite, and all the house of Israel.

“The Book of Mormon is the New Covenant memorializing that grand latter-day endeavor. All who receive it and embrace the principles and ordinances it declares will one day see the Savior as he is, and they will be like him. They will be sanctified and redeemed through the grace of his innocent blood. They will be purified even as he is pure. They will be holy and without spot. They will be called the children of Christ” (Christ and the New Covenant, 338-39).

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Seminary: 108 Moroni 9

Background: Moroni chapter 9 contains the last of three letters that Moroni received from his father and believed that they would be beneficial to us.

Write: Decay – to become decomposed; rot; to decline in excellence, prosperity, health, etc.; deteriorate.

What is an example of decay that we see on a regular basis? (food)

What can help to slow down or prevent this decay?

Can the decayed object be healed?

How does this compare to people?

What can cause a person to decay?

What can prevent decay in a person from happening?

How can decay in a person be healed?

Moroni 9:3-5

Moroni 9:8-10

What were the people like at this time?

Mormon expressed his concerns about this.

Moroni 9:11-14

How long did it take for them to sink into this decay?

Imagine that you are Mormon or Moroni. How would you feel if you witnessed this depravity?

What would you do?

What is our duty concerning people who turn from the Lord?

Moroni 9:6

What council did Mormon give Moroni regarding what he should do?

What can we learn from Mormon’s example?

Jacob 1:19

How does this verse relate to Mormon’s teaching?

What are some ways that we can labor diligently for those who turn against the Lord?

Moroni 9:22, 25-26

How do you think this might have comforted Moroni during these times of trial?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Seminary: 107 Moroni 8

Background: Prior to closing the writings of the Book of Mormon Moroni added several letters from his father that he thought was of worth to future generations.

What are some funny or interesting things you have seen children do?

Why do you think that the Lord asked us to become like little children?

How do you think Jesus feels about little children?

What evidence is there from the scriptures that this is the case?
Why do you think that the Savior loves them so much?

Moroni 8 provides some explanations regarding several doctrines regarding children.

Review Moroni 8:1-24

D&C 29:46-50

1. You have just met a young couple whose four-year-old son was killed in a car accident. They have many questions, especially about what will happen to their son now.

2. A recent convert agrees that baptism for eight-year-old children is a good idea but wonders why that doctrine is stressed so much. She asks, “It doesn’t really matter if a person is baptism when they are eight months old, eight years old, or eighty years old, does it?”

3. As a missionary you meet a man who is sincerely seeking truth. He explains that all his life he was taught that little children are born unclean because of Adam’s transgression. He is certain that when infants die without being baptized, they die “unclean” and go to hell.

4. Your seminary teacher asks, “How does a belief in infant baptism show a lack of understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ?

5. You have been asked to give a two-minute talk to the Primary children on the topic “Jesus Christ has perfect love for little children.”

6. During a Relief Society meeting, a sister asks about little children being without sin. She tells how her six-year-old son did something very bad, even after she explained to him why it was wrong. She is convinced that her son knew better and wonders why what he did would not be considered a sin for him.

7. A friend of yours tells you she has a brother with Down’s syndrome and has always heard that people born with certain mental disabilities are “not accountable.” She thinks they might be guaranteed a place in the celestial kingdom, like those children who die before age of eight. She asks if you know any scriptures that teach that doctrine.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Seminary: 106 Moroni 7

Background: Prior to sealing up the plates Moroni provided some of his thoughts that he felt were important for us to know.

After adding some of his own thoughts, Moroni included a couple of letters from his father that he felt would be beneficial to us.

What does service mean?

Why do you think that service is so important?

What affect does it have on the person receiving the service?

What affect does it have the person giving the service? (depends upon their reasoning)

Imagine for a moment that you are a person in need of service and you over hear the persons making these comments:

• I wish my parents had not made me come on this service project

• I sure hope we get paid for all of this work

• I don’t see why I have to do this work. Can’t these people handle their own problems?

What difference does intention have on giving service?

Why is the Lord concerned with our intentions as well as our actions in regards to giving service?

Moroni 7:1-4

Who is speaking in these verses?

Who is he speaking to?
Moroni 7:6-7

What did Moroni teach about giving with real intent as oppose to giving grudgingly?

How does God judge whether we are giving grudgingly?

Why do you think that service is a large part of the gospel?

What are some motivations for giving service?

• Riches or honor

• Good companionship

• Fear of punishment

• Duty or loyalty

• Hope of an eternal reward

• Charity, the pure love of Christ

Elder Dallin H. Oaks:

“People serve one another for different reasons, and some reasons are better than others. Perhaps none of us serves in every capacity all the time for only a single reason. Since we are imperfect beings, most of us probably serve for a combination of reasons, and the combinations may be different from time to time as we grow spiritually. But we should all strive to serve for the reasons that are highest and best….

“Some may serve for hope of earthly reward….Others might serve in order to obtain worldly honors, prominence, or power….

“Another reason for service-probably more worthy than the first, but still in the category of service in search of earthly reward-is that motivated by a personal desire to obtain good companionship….

“These first two reasons for service are selfish and self-centered and unworthy of Saints….Reasons aimed at earthly rewards are distinctly lesser in character and reward than the other reasons I will discuss.

“Some may serve out of fear of punishment….Service out of fear of punishment is a lesser motive at best.

“Other persons may serve out of a sense of duty or out of loyalty to friends or family or traditions….Those who serve out of a sense of duty to loyalty to various wholesome causes are the good and honorable men and women of the earth.

“Service of the character I have described is worthy of praise and will surely qualify for blessings, especially if it is done willingly or joyfully….

“…There are still higher reasons for service.

“One such higher reason for service is the hope of an eternal reward. This hope-the expectation of enjoying the fruits of out labors-is one of the most powerful sources of motivation. As a reason for service, it necessarily involves faith in God and in the fulfillment of his prophecies….

“The last motive I will discuss is, in my opinion, the highest reason of all. In its relationship to service, it is what the scriptures call ‘a more excellent way’ (1 Corinthians 12:31).

“’Charity is the pure love of Christ’ (Moroni 7:47). The Book or Mormon teaches us that this virtue is ‘the greatest of all’ (Moroni 7:46)….

“If our service is to be most efficacious, it must be accomplished for the love of God and the love of his children….

“This principle-that our service should be for the love of God and the love of fellowmen rather than for personal advantage of any other lesser motive-is admittedly or any other lesser motive-is admittedly a high standard….

“Service with all of our heart and mind is a high challenge for all of us. Such service must be free of selfish ambition. It must be motivated only by the pure love of Christ” (Ensign, Nov. 1984, 13-15).
Talk about the quote

How can we develop better motives for giving service?

President Marion G. Romney:

“Some may ask, ‘How do I obtain these righteous feelings in giving? How do I overcome giving grudgingly? How do I obtain the “pure love of Christ?” To those I would say: Faithfully live all the commandments, give of yourselves, care for your families, serve in church callings, perform missionary work, pay tithes and offerings, study the scriptures-and the list could go on. As you lose yourself in this service, the Lord will touch and soften your heart and gradually bring you to the feelings with which he blessed the people in King Benjamin’s time, which prompted them to say, ‘Yea, we believe all the words which though hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.’ (Mosiah 5:2)” (Ensign, Nov. 1981, 93).
Why do you think that God will never force us to do good?

Why do you think that Satan cannot force us to do evil?

Moroni 7:12-13

What do the words “inviteth” and “enticeth” teach us about God and Satan?

Why do you think that the Lord wants to entice or persuade you to do good?

2 Nephi 2:27, 29

Based upon these verses what is Satan’s intent?

How can we tell the difference between the enticements of God and Satan?
What are some choices that may be difficult to determine whether they are of God or Satan?

How about disobeying a curfew in order to fellowship a new member friend that is struggling.

The Lord has given everyone the ability to choose between right and wrong. What is this called? (spirit/light of Christ).

Even though this gift is given to everyone does everyone hear it?

What would cause someone to not be able to hear it?

How can we learn to hear it better?

Is hearing these promptings all we have to do?

President Howard W. Hunter:

“Let us follow the Son of God in all ways and in all walks of life. Let us make him our exemplar and our guide. We should at every opportunity ask ourselves, ‘What would Jesus do?’ and then be more courageous to act upon the answer. We must follow Christ, in the best sense of that word. We must be about his work as he was about his Father’s….To the extent that our mortal powers permit, we should make every effort to become like Christ-the one perfect and sinless example this world has ever seen” (Ensign, May 1994, 64).
In addition to the spirit or light of Christ we have also been blessed with many gifts of the Spirit.

What are some of these gifts?

Does everyone have one?

What purpose do these gifts serve?

Can we gain more?

Should we seek more gifts?

The Book of Mormon teaches us to “lay hold upon every good thing”, what does this mean?

Moroni 7:45

What does this scripture mean?

Why do you think it was included as a scripture mastery scripture?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:

“One [meaning of charity or ‘the pure love of Christ’] is the kind of merciful, forgiving love Christ’s disciples should have one for another….

“The greater definition of ‘the pure love of Christ,’ however, is not what we as Christians try but largely fail to demonstrate toward others but rather what Christ totally succeeded in demonstrating toward us. True charity has been known only once. It is shown perfectly and purely in Christ’s unfailing, ultimate, and atoning love for us….It is that charity-his pure love for us-without which we would be nothing, hopeless, of all men and women most miserable. Truly, those found possessed of the blessings of his love at the last day-the Atonement, the Resurrection, eternal life, eternal promise-surely it shall be well with them.

“This does not in any way minimize the commandment that we are to try to acquire the kind of love for one another. We should ‘pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that [we] may be filled with this love’ [Moroni 7:48; see also 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, 7-8]….As Christ lived so should we live, and as Christ loved so should we love. But the ‘pure love of Christ’ Mormon spoke of is precisely that-Christ’s love. With that divine gift, that redeeming bestowal, we have everything; without it we have nothing and ultimately are nothing, except in the end ‘devils [and angels to a devil’ [2 Nephi 9:9]” (Christ and the New Covenant, 336-37).

Monday, May 17, 2010

Seminary: 105 Moroni 1-6

Background: Prior to depositing the plates Moroni felt the need to jot some final thought that he considered important for us to know.

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin:

“Many years ago, large packs of wolves roamed the countryside in Ukraine, making travel in that part of the world very dangerous. These wolf packs were fearless. They were not intimidated by people or by any of the weapons available at that time. The only thing that seemed to frighten them was fire. Consequently, travelers who found themselves away from cities developed the common practice of building a large bonfire and keeping it burning through the night. As long as the fire burned brightly, the wolves stayed away. But if it were allowed to burn out and die, the wolves would move in for an attack. Travelers understood that building and maintaining a roaring bonfire was not just a matter of convenience or comfort; it was a matter of survival. (See Mary Pratt Parrish, ‘Guardians of the Covenant,’ Ensign, May 1972, p. 25.)

“We do not have to protect ourselves from wolf packs as we travel the road of life today, but, in a spiritual sense, we do face the devious wolves of Satan in the forms of temptation, evil and sin. We live in dangerous times when these ravenous wolves roam the spiritual countryside in search of those who may be weak in faith or feeble in their conviction. [See 1 Peter 5:8; D&C 122:6.] We are all vulnerable to attack. However, we can fortify ourselves with the protection provided by a burning testimony that, like a bonfire, has been built adequately and maintained carefully.

“Unfortunately, some in the Church may believe sincerely that their testimony is a raging bonfire when it really is little more than the faint flickering of a candle. Their faithfulness has more to do with habit than holiness, and their pursuit of personal interests and pleasure. With such a feeble light of testimony for protection, these travelers on life’s highways are easy prey for the wolves of the adversary” (Ensign, Nov. 1992, 34).
What affect did the wolves have on the travelers of the Ukraine?

How did the travelers ward off the wolves?

What would happen if their fire died?

How did Elder Wirthlin relate this to our spirituality?

Moroni 1:1-3

What enemies did Moroni face?

How did Moroni’s testimony protect him?

What sacrifices did he have to make to remain faithful to his testimony?

President Heber C. Kimball:

“Let me say to you, that many of you will see the time when you will have all the trouble, trial and persecution that you can stand, and plenty of opportunities to show that you are true to God and his work. This Church has before it many close places through which it will have to pass before the work of God is crowned with victory….

“…The time will come when no man nor woman will be able to endure on borrowed light. Each will have to be guided by the light within himself. If you do not have it, how can you stand?” (in Orsen F. Whitney, Life of Heber C. Kimball [1945], 449-50).
What do you think that President Kimball meant by “The Church has before it many close places through which it will have to pass before the work of God is crowned with victory…”?

What does he mean by “borrowed light”?

Why can’t we stand on borrowed light?

How can we be guided by the light within ourselves?

Elder Wirthlin continued:

“I offer three suggestions that will fan the flames of personal testimony as a protection against the wolves of evil that are prowling all around us to threaten our spiritual security.

“First, make sure your testimony is build upon a solid foundation of faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ….

“Anchored with that faith, we are ready for my second suggestion-another layer of kindling on the bonfire of testimony. It is humble, sincere repentance. Few things extinguish the fervor of the Holy Spirit in the heart of any individual more quickly than does sin….

“My third suggestion is that we follow the example of the savior. He is the pattern.

“In any pursuit and under any condition, we can ask ourselves what Jesus would do and then determine our own course accordingly” (Ensign, Nov. 1992, 35-36)
If we work to build our testimony bonfire big then we will be able to withstand Satan’s ravening wolves.

What is the Priesthood?

What are the two main divisions of the Priesthood?

What are some of the offices in the priesthood?

Ask someone how they felt when they received the Priesthood

What priesthood office do you currently hold?

Who ordained you to that office?

What duties or responsibilities do you have in the priesthood?

What does magnify mean?

What does it mean to magnify your priesthood?

Why do you think it is important to magnify your priesthood?

How important is the priesthood in your life? Why?

In what ways do your women receive the promised blessings of the priesthood?

Moroni 2-3

Much of this was included in the book of 3 Nephi. Why do you think Moroni felt that he needed to reiterate it?

How do these verses describe the method of the conferring of the priesthood?

What responsibilities were the priesthood holders in these chapters given?

How do they compare with the responsibilities that you have today?

Imagine that you are in sacrament meeting and you are about to kneel and say the sacrament prayer and you realize that the card is missing.

What do you do?

How can your scriptures help?

Where in the scriptures can you find the sacramental prayers? (Moroni 4-5, D&C 20:77, 79.)

What word do you need to change from the scriptural version and what is used today?

What benefit would it be to have these prayers memorized?

As a member of the congregation, what do you think about prior to blessing of the sacrament?

What distractions do you try to avoid?

What do you do to help you focus on the Savior?

What promises do we make when we partake of the sacrament?

What blessings does he promise in return?

Why is this ordinance important to you?

What can you do to improve your experience of partaking the sacrament?

In what ways can partaking of the sacrament strengthen our covenant relationship with the Savior?

How can improving your understanding of the sacrament strengthen your bond with Jesus Christ?

President Gordon B. Hinckley:

“The Prophet Joseph Smith declared: ’After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel’ (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Sel. Joseph Fielding smith [1976], 113)….

“Every one of the Presidents of the Church following Joseph Smith has spoken on this important matter.

“Great is our work, tremendous is our responsibility in helping to find those to teach. The Lord has laid upon us a mandate to teach the gospel to every creature….

“Having found and baptized a new covert, we have the challenge of fellowshipping him and strengthening his testimony of the truth of this work. We cannot have him walking in the front door and out the back. Joining the Church is a very serious thing. Each convert takes upon himself or herself the name of Christ with an implied promise to keep His commandments. But coming into the Church can be a perilous experience. Unless there are warm and strong hands to greet the convert, unless there is an outreach of love and concern, he will begin to wonder about the step he has taken. Unless there are friendly hands and welcome hearts to greet him and lead him along the way, he may drop by the side.

“There is absolutely no point in doing missionary work unless we hold on to the fruits of that effort. The two must be inseparable. These converts are precious. Every convert is a great and serious responsibility. It is an absolute imperative that we look after those who have become a part of us” (Ensign, May 1999, 107-8)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seminary: 104 Ether 13-15

Background: The Jaredites are plagued by wars and secret combinations. Ether prophesied the people’s destruction if they did not repent.

If you could live in any city in the world, what city would it be? Why?

Moses 7:18-21

What were some of the descriptions of the city of Enoch?

Is there anything desirable life in this city? What?

What happened to the city of Enoch? Why?

Ether 13:2-11

What are the three cities that Ether speaks about in these verses?

Where will these cities be located?

What do you think the significance of two of these cities being named “New Jerusalem” is?

According to Moses (Moses 7:62-64) the two cities will be joined and will become one.

What do you think these cities will be like?

Ether 13:10-11

What will the people who live in these cities be like?

What will life be like during the Millennium?

The First Presidency:

“We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102).
Do you recognize where this statement comes from?

What does it mean?

What are the prophets warning us about today?

Are there some similar themes from recent conferences?

What are some of the calamities foretold that will come at the end?

Ether 13:20-21

What did Ether prophesy to Coriantumr?

What happened to Coriantumr and the Jaredites?

What is the most important principle that you learned from the book of Ether?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Seminary: 103 Ether 12

Background: The Jaredite kings lead the people into wickedness. There have been many wars and destruction among the people.

What do we know about Ether? Write answers on the board.

Elder Neal A Maxwell:

“Ether is a classic example of a prophet who devoted his whole life to the cause of the Savior. ‘In the days of Coriantumr’ Ether reached a point in his spiritual development when, as a prophet, he ‘could not be restrained because of the Spirit of the Lord which was in him.’ (Eth. 12:2.) Because his righteousness removed the restraints that otherwise hold each of us back, Ether actually saw high points of the future-centuries before these were to occur….

“Ether was born of a kingly line, but at one point his family was in captivity. Ether’s father ‘dwelt in captivity all his days.’ (Eth. 11:23; see also 1:6-33, 6:22-27.)…

“Later, courageous Ether prophesied face to face to king, Coriantumr when Ether was directed by the Lord to do so:…

“’And it came to pass that Coriantumr repented not, neither his household, neither the people; and the wars ceased not; and they sought to kill Ether, but he fled from before them and hid again in the cavity of the rock.’ (Eth. 13:20-22)

“It must have torn at Ether’s emotions to see the people he loved move relentlessly toward anarchy. This was actual physical and political anarchy. Eventually, the situation deteriorated into one in which ‘every man with his band [was] fighting for that which he desired.’ (Eth. 13:25.)” (“Three Jaredites: Contrasting Contemporaries,” Ensign, Aug. 1978, 6-8).
How does this statement add to our knowledge of who Ether was?

How easy do you think it was for Ether seeing the people, his people, in a state of wickedness, knowing that their destruction was eminent?

What do you think helped to give him strength during these times?

Ether 12:4

What function does the anchor have on a boat?

How can our faith be an anchor in a spiritual storm?

Ether 12:6

Why must we have faith before we can have a spiritual witness?

What are some examples of spiritual manifestations that did not have an effect on the recipient?

Elder Richard G. Scott:

“Anchor your life in Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. Make your Eternal Father and His Beloved Son the most important priority in your life-more important than life itself, more important than a beloved companion or children or anyone on earth. Make their will your central desire. Then all that you need for happiness will come to you” (Ensign, May 1993, 34).
What does it mean to anchor our lives in Jesus Christ?

What can we do to anchor our lives in Jesus Christ?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Seminary: 102 Ether 7-11

Background: The Jaredites are in the Promised Land and are desirous to have a king.

Show medicine bottle

What is this?

What is it used for?

What is the dosage?

Why would they put the directions on the bottle?

What would happen if the directions are not followed?

Let’s take a moment to discuss an event that occurred earlier in the Book of Mormon

How did King Mosiah obtain the plates that the book of Ether is abridged from?

What did King Mosiah do with the plates?

What did the plates contain?

How did Mosiah’s people respond to the account?

Mormon 28:19

Why was this account added to the Book of Mormon later?

How can this statement be likened to instructions on a medicine bottle?

Scripture Reference "Warning Label"

Ether 7:4-7 Leaders who seek power in an unrighteous way bring captivity, death, and sorrow to their people

Ether 7:23-27 We must listen to the prophet's warnings or suffer destruction

Ether 8:9-26 Because secret combinations can ruin whole nations, they must be destroyed.

Elder Robert D. Hales:

“We live in a world of turmoil where we can find sadness and destruction in every corner, much of which is brought about by man’s failure to listen to the words of the true prophets of God. How different would the lives have been of those who lived in all dispensations if they had listened to the prophet Moses and followed the Ten Commandments?

“There has always been a desperate need for the steady and reassuring voice of a living prophet of God-one who will speak the mind and will of God in showing the way to spiritual safety and personal peace and happiness”
(Ensign, May 1995, 15).

Monday, May 10, 2010

Seminary: 101 Ether 7-15 Overview

Background: The Jaredites loaded up their boats and sailed to the Promised Land. The Lord blessed them by providing wind for the vessels to sail.

If you could be king or queen for a day, how would you use your power? (write down responses)

Discuss how people would be benefited for each response.

With all the power available to you, what might make it difficult to be a good queen or king?

What are some examples of good or bad kings in the Book of Mormon? (write and discuss each)

What affect did that have on their people?

Ether 6:19-23

After the Jaredites arrived in the Promised Land Jared and his brother were old.

Why did Jared and his brother gather the people?

What did their people request of them?

What problematic concern did the brother of Jared express?

Why did he have this concern?

Mosiah had this to say about having a king.

Mosiah 29:21-23

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seminary: 100 Ether 4-6

Background: The brother of Jared brought stones to the Lord to touch and give light so that his people might have light in their vessels as they traveled the ocean. He sees the Lord’s finger due to his faith. The Lord is surprised by his faith and grants his petition.

What did the brother of Jared see while on the mountain talking to the Lord?

• The finger of the Lord, his spiritual body

• He showed him “all things”

What time period did these take place? (many years prior to the birth of Abraham)

What events are we aware of that happened prior to this time?

What interactions has the Lord had with the people?

Ether 4:1

What was the brother of Jared commanded?

• That he should go down and write the things that he saw and hide them up until after the time that Christ should be lifted to the cross.

Why was it important for the brother of Jared to write down what he saw?

What were the things that the brother of Jared saw?

Ether 4:4

Why do you think the Lord wanted the things that he saw hidden until after his resurrection?

In speaking about the gentiles the Lord said:

Ether 4:7

What did the Lord say would happen to the Gentiles?

Ether 4:8

What does “accursed” mean?

• Under a curse; doomed; ill-fated; damnable; detestable

Who are those people that would “deny” these things?

What does it mean to contend with something?

What would happen to these persons?

Why would they be accursed?

Ether 4:11

What would happen to those who believe in these words?

Ether 4:13

What does the Lord have in store for the Gentiles?

Ether 4:19

Who did he say would be blessed in this verse?

What does it mean to “be faithful unto his name”?

What will they receive?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Seminary: 99 Ether 3

Background: The people of Babel had their language confounded by the Lord. The Lord spared the people of Jared due to the Brother of Jared’s request to keep his people together. The Lord spares them and leads them to the coast. Per His direction they build barges and are preparing to sail to the Promised Land.

Describe the ships that the people of Jared were commanded to build.

What were some of the problems that they had?

What does faith mean?

How would you describe someone with great faith?

What characteristics would they have?

What characteristics would someone with no or little faith have?

It is impossible for one person to be able to evaluate another person’s faith. That is only something that God can do. Here are four scenarios that we will use to look at the attributes of faith that a person has. This is not to judge someone else’s faith it is to look at what attributes a faithful person may have.

Nadre does not enjoy reading the scriptures. He claims they are boring. He does not pray much either. He says that he gets much closer to the Lord by going on nature walks and meditating than by studying and praying.

Auggi studies the scriptures and doctrines constantly. In fact, he would rather read and study than just about anything. He feels that he gets much more out of reading and studying than he does going to meetings and home teaching. He hasn’t been home teaching in months, but he does not feel that it matters much if he diligently studies the gospel.

Mori tries hard to apply what he studies in the scriptures and Church publications. He knows he is far from perfect but also believes that it is important to strive to always live the gospel. He prays regularly for divine help to grow more obedient and spiritually stronger.

Sonya gives up! She is tired of all the expectations make of her. She has tried hard to be perfect for years but has found she just can’t do it all on her own. She has become very bitter.

Discuss scenarios

James 2:14-20

14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?
15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
What characteristics of the faithful are noted in these verses?

Which of the people in the examples resembles these characteristics best?

Who in the scriptures had this kind of faith?

Do you know anyone personally who has this kind of faith?

Ether 3:1-6

Look for characteristics of faith in the Brother of Jared
• He went to work making the stones and brought them to the Lord (v.1)
• He expressed deep humility over his weakness and fallen nature (v.2-3)
• He testified that God has all power (v.4-5)

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:

“For all of his self-abasement, the faith of the brother of Jared was immediately apparent-in fact, we might better say transparent in light of the purpose for which the stones would be used. Obviously Jehovah found something striking in the childlike innocence and fervor of this man’s faith. ‘Behold, O Lord, thou canst do this.’ In a sense there may be no more powerful expression of faith spoken in scripture. It is almost as if the brother of Jared was encouraging him, reassuring him. Not ‘Behold, O Lord, I am sure thou canst do this.’ Not ‘Behold, O Lord, thou hast done many greater things than this.’ However uncertain the prophet was about his own ability, he had no uncertainty about God’s power. This was nothing but a single, assertive declaration with no hint of vacillation. It was encouragement to him who needs no encouragement but who surely must have been touched by it. ‘Behold, O Lord, thou canst do this.’” (Christ and the New Covenant, 17).