Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Seminary: 77 Helaman 10-11

Background: Nephi showed the power of God unto the Nephites by prophesying about the murder of Seezoram the Chief Judge.

Draw: Picture of a chain

How might some people compare God’s commandments to a chain?

Why do some people feel restricted by the commandments?

How does sin take away our agency?

In what ways does keeping the commandments make us free?

Example of a maze

Elder Donald L. Staheli:

“Regardless of our age and stage in life, daily obedience to gospel principles is the only sure way to eternal happiness. President Ezra Taft Benson put it most poignantly when he said, ‘When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power.’” (Ensign, May 1998, 82).
What do people find irritating about the commandments? Why?

What is a quest? (A diligent search or journey toward a noble goal).

How would viewing the commandments as a blessing make a difference in how we obey them?

How would having more of God’s power in your life be a blessing?

Today we will see an example of someone that had received this power

Helaman 10:4

What does it unwearying mean? (diligent, faithful, without, complaint).

In what ways had Nephi sought God’s will?

Helaman 10:5

What do you think it means to be “blessed forever?”

In what ways did the Lord make Nephi mighty?

What does the Lord mean by “all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word” mean?

What does he mean by “for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will”?

Helaman 10:6-10

What power was Nephi given?

Why did the Lord give him this power?

What is the sealing power?

How could having power over the whole earth help a prophet keep his people humble?

How can it be used to bless people?

How can it be used to chasten people?

Does this power exist on the world today?

Who has it?

What does it mean to be sealed?

How could this bless our lives?

Elder Bruce R. McConkie:

“This, then, is the doctrine of the priesthood….

This is the power we can gain through faith and righteousness.

“Truly, there is power in the priesthood-power to do all things!

“If the world itself was created by the power of the priesthood, surely that same power can move mountains and control the elements.

“If one-third of the hosts of heaven were cast down to earth by the power of the priesthood, surely that same power can put at defiance the armies of nations or stay the fall of atomic bombs.

“If all men shall be raised from mortality to immortality by the power of the priesthood, surely that same power can cure the diseased and the dying and raise the dead.

“Truly there is power in the priesthood-a power which we seek to acquire to use, a power which we devoutly pray may rest upon us and upon our posterity forever”
(Ensign, May 1982, 34).

Helaman 10:11-12, 15-16

What was Nephi commanded to do after he received this power?

How did he respond?

What can we learn from Nephi’s example?

How did the Nephite’s respond to his testimony?

What did the Lord do to protect them?

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