Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seminary: 63 Alma 31-32

Background: The Nephites experiences a period of peace which was interrupted by the preaching of an anti-Christ names Korihor. Korihor was brought before Alma who confounded him with the truth of the gospel. Korihor was then struck dumb as a sign of his power. He went from city to city begging and eventually was trampled by the people of the Zoramites.

Have a student read Alma 31:15-18

What do you think about this prayer?

There was a group of Nephites that went by the name of Zoramites. They had started to descent from the Nephites. They had grown up with the same teachings as the other Nephites though pride had driven to change their ways.

What does the prayer teach us about the Zoramites?

Have a student read Alma 31:26-35

How is Alma’s prayer different from the one that the Zoramites offer?

Alma 31:13, 21-22

How did the Zoramites worship?

Alma 21:1-2

Why was Alma worried about the Zoramites?

What did he hope would resolve the situation?

Alma 31:5

Why would he think that this approach would be successful?

If Alma had decided that sending an army instead of missionaries how would potential outcomes change?

Elder Boyd K. Packer:

“True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior.

“The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior” (Ensign, Nov. 1986, 17)

Show the playdough and piece of wood and ask a student to make a sculpture of a dog.

Which material is easier to work with? Why?

How can a new convert be compared to the clay?

What does it mean to have a soft heart? Hard heart?

Why is it necessary to have a soft heart to learn the gospel?

Alma 32:1-3

Which Zoramites were willing to listen to Alma?

Why do you think that many times poor people are more willing to listen than more prosperous persons?

In what ways might the Lord humble us?

Alma 32:13-16

Who is more blessed those that chose to be humble or those that are compelled to be humble?

How can the word of the Lord make us humble?

What can we do to be more humble? (prayer, scripture study, sharing testimony)

Alma 32:21

Hebrews 11:1

What is faith?

Have any of you been to Japan?

How do you know that it exists?

What evidence do you have that it exists?

How could you know for sure that it does exist?

How can we come to know that the President of the Church is a prophet of God?

If you don’t have a testimony of this how can you get one?

Draw :

Seed: Alma 32:28

Seedling: Alma 32:30

Plant: Alma 32:30-34

Small Tree: Alma 32:37

Tree: Alma 32:41-42

Video from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Alma 32:27-28)

How do we receive a personal testimony of Jesus Christ

1. Desire to believe

2. Search the scriptures

3. Do the will of God, Keep the commandments

What is required to grow fruit from a seed?
• Your soul must be fertile

• Your seed must be good

• You must plant the seed

• You must water it, weed it, fertilize it, and give it sunlight

• You must harvest the fruit

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