Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seminary: 57 Alma 17-19

Background: Alma and Amulek preached to the people in the land of Ammonihah, some accept the gospel, many reject it. Many of the believers were killed by the unbelievers. Alma and Amulek are imprisoned, the Lord saves them. They go to the land of Sidom and rejoin with the believers that left Ammonihah and set up a church there in Sidom.
Over the last month we have been talking about what happened to Alma since the time that the Sons of Mosiah left. We are not going to discuss the events that they witnessed.
Alma 17:1-4

How long were the Sons of Mosiah on their mission? (14 years)
Chapter heading prior to chapter 17
What do the chapters 17-26 of Alma describe?
What physical and material preparation must a missionary take prior to going on a mission?

Physical: clothing, physical checkup, dental work, saving money, buying supplies
What spiritual preparation must a missionary take prior to going on a mission?

Read the scriptures, praying, fasting, make temple covenants, gaining a testimony, learning the Gospel
Why is physical preparation important to a missionary’s success?
Why is spiritual preparation important to a missionary’s success?
How will a missionary’s success be affected when preparation is lacking?
Alma 17:3-6

What physical preparations did the Sons of Mosiah make?
What spiritual preparations did the Sons of Mosiah make?
Consider for a moment your thoughts or feelings about serving a mission. How do you think that the Sons of Mosiah felt prior to serving a mission?
What stories do you know that show examples of Missionaries services, service, study and fasting in order to receive the Lord’s power.
How could the spirit of revelation and the ability to teach “with power and authority of God” bless the lives of others?
Elder W. Mack Lawrence:

“That same spirit of revelation-the spirit of conversion, if you will-is available to each of us as we diligently seek for it through fasting, prayer, obedience, and searching the scriptures” (Ensign, May 1996, 75)
For those of us that group up in the Church. Do we automatically get a testimony?
What are some of the differences between the conversion processes for kids that grow up in the Church vs. kids that have never heard of the Church?
What are some of the elements that are easier or harder for the two processes?
Doctrine and Covenants 84:85
What does this scripture mean?
Is this scripture contrary to the materials that we are given to assist with missionary work?
Write: “Live in such a way that people who know you but don’t know Christ will want to know Christ because they know you” (Ensign, May 1994, 68)
Moses 6:63

How does this scripture relate to the message on the board?

In what ways can our lives testify of Christ?
What is the major purpose of the Book of Mormon? (to convince the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ)
President Ezra Taft Benson:

“The honest seeker after truth can gain the testimony that Jesus is the Christ as he prayerfully ponders the inspired words of the Book of Mormon….

“…Let us read the Book of Mormon so that we might more fully come to Christ, be committed to Him, centered in Him, and consumed in Him” (Ensign, Nov. 1987, 83, 85).
Ask someone to explain the story of Ammon in the land of Ishmael.

Effective gospel teaching includes the following elements:

1. The existence of God

2. The creation

3. The Fall

4. The Plan of Redemption

Elder Bruce R. McConkie:

“The three greatest events that ever have occurred or ever will occur in all eternity are these:

“1. The creation of the heavens and the earth, of man and of all forms of life;

“2. The fall of man, of all forms of life and of the earth itself from their primeval and paradisiacal state to their present mortal state; and

“3. The infinite and eternal atonement, which ransoms man, all living things, and the earth also from their fallen state so that the salvation of the earth and of all living things may be completed.

“These three divine events-the three pillars of eternity-are inseparably woven together into one grand tapestry known as the eternal plan of salvation.” (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 81)

Background: Ammon taught king Lamoni about the Gospel, Lamoni believes and becomes unconscious. His body was taken to his home.
Alma 19:1-4
In what state is Lamoni in?
What other Book of Mormon character was in a similar state?
How many days was that person incapacitated?
Why would Lamoni’s wife ask for Ammon’s help?
Alma 19:5
Why do you think that the queen had a different reaction concerning King Lamoni than did his servants?
Why do you think the servants may have acted in that manner?
Alma 19:6
What changes was Lamoni going through?
What was influencing him?
What type of man was Lamoni prior to this event?
Would it have been easy for him to go through this transition from who he was to who he became?

Elder Bruce R. McConkie:

“Those who heed the enticements and submit to the strivings of the Holy Spirit (which is the light of Christ) are enabled to receive the Holy Spirit (which is the Holy Ghost).

“We have no better illustration of the full operation of the light of Christ upon an investigator of the gospel than what happened to King Lamoni?
(A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 261)
Alma 19:8-10

What was her response to Ammon’s promise?

Why was her response a show of great faith?

Alma 19:13

What effect did Lamoni’s testimony and the power of the Spirit of God have on his wife?

Alma 19:14

How did Ammon show he was a humble missionary?

Alma 19:16-17

What effect did this event have on the servants?

Were all the servants affected?

What do we know about Abish?

What opportunity did she recognize and seize?

What missionary opportunities have you had?

Alma 19: 22-23

What can we learn from these verses about the Lord’s promises?

Alma 19:24-29

Why would there be such different reactions to the Lord’s miracles?

Why was Abish concerned about the contention that was arising?

Alma 19:31-35

What affect did their testimony have on the people that were gathered?

Alma 19:36

Who is invited to receive the Holy Ghost?

What must we do to receive it?

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