Monday, January 11, 2010

Seminary: 56 Alma 14-16

Background: Alma and Amulek finish their testifying and religious debate with Zeezrom.

Have you ever been accused of doing something wrong that you did not do?

How did you feel?

Have you ever been punished for something someone else did?

How did you feel?

Have you ever been punished for something someone else did, everyone knew that the other person did it and what they did was not bad?

Does this seem fair? Why?

After Alma and Amulek finished their discourse some of the on-lookers believed in their words and were converted, though the majority was angered. Alma and Amulek were imprisoned. The leaders of the people gathered together all of the believers and the scriptures and threw them into a giant fire with Alma and Amulek watching.
Do you see the hypocrisy of what the people are doing?

Alma 14:3

Cross Alma 16:2

Why do those who are doing wrong get angry at those who call them to repentance?

Alma 14:6-7

Zeezrom had previously been recognized as “one of the most expert” among the lawyers (Alma 10:31). Why wouldn’t the people listen to him now?

Alma 14:10-11

What doctrine in this verse can bring some comfort regarding those who suffer for the gospel?

How might the example of those who are patient in affliction strengthen us during our difficult times?

Alma 14:17-19

Why do you think that no response was the best answer?

Alma 14:26-29

Have you ever felt like asking this same question?

How did the Lord finally deliver Alma and Amulek from their affliction?

Why were they preserved?

Elder James E. Faust:

“Let us not presume that because the way is at times difficult and challenging, our Heavenly Father is not mindful of us….May each of us follow the Lord’s comforting counsel: ‘Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of the days’ (D&C 24:8)” (“The blessings of Adversity,” Ensign, Feb. 1998, 7)
After leaving Ammonihah Alma and Amulek go to Sidom. There they find the men that believed in Alma and Amulek’s testimony and were kicked out of Ammonihah. Zeezrom was with them and was very sick as a result of him believing that his evil acts had caused their and other’s deaths.

Elder Boyd K. Packer:

“I recently asked a doctor of family medicine how much of his time was devoted purely to correcting physical disorders. He has a large practice, and after thoughtfully considering, he answered, ‘not more than 20 percent. The rest of the time I seem to be working on problems that very much affect the physical well-being of my patients but do not originate in the body.

“’These physical disorders,’ the doctor concluded, ‘are merely symptoms of some other kind of trouble.’” (Ensign, Nov. 1977, 59).
What nonphysical troubles can cause physical sickness? (stress, worry, anger, fear, guilt).

Can sin cause a person to become physically ill? How?

Alma 15:3

What had caused Zeezrom’s sickness?

In what ways could Alma and Amulek help Zeezrom?

Elder Boyd K. Packer continued:

“There is another part of us, not so tangible, but quite as real as our physical body. This intangible part of us is described as mind, emotion, intellect, temperament, and many other things. Very seldom is it described as spiritual.

“But there is a spirit in man; to ignore it as to ignore reality. There are spiritual disorders, too, and spiritual diseases that can cause intense suffering.

“The body and the spirit of man are bound together. Often, very often, when these are disorders, it is very difficult to tell which is which.” (Ensign, Nov. 1977, 59)
Alma 15:6

Why was this question important in order for Zeezrom to be healed?

Video: Boyd K. Packer – Zeezrom Lay Sick…On Account of His Wickedness

Besides his need to overcoming his fever, what else did Zeezrom need to overcome?

Elder Boyd K. Packer:

“The person who by faith, devotion, righteousness, and personal worthiness, is in a position to be healed, is also in a position to have the justifying approval of the Spirit for his course of life, and his sins are forgiven him, as witnessed by the fact that he receives the companionship of the Spirit, which he could not have if he were unworthy.” (Mormon Doctrine, 297-98)
Alma 16:2-3

What was the end result for the people of Ammonihah?

Some of the Nephites desired to recover the people that were taken by the Lamanites.

Alma 16:5

Why did Zoram go to Alma?

What can this teach us?

Alma 16:7-8

What did Zoram do? What were the results?

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