Monday, January 25, 2010

Seminary: 61 Alma 27-29

Background: After the Lamanites attack the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi they decide to go attack the Nephites since the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi won’t fight back. After attacking the Nephites and losing badly, the Lamanites again attack the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi.

How do you think the Sons of Mosiah felt watching their friends die under the hands of the Lamanites?

What would you do?

Ammon went to the Lord and asked him what he should do and the Lord told him to get those people out of that place. So he took them to the Nephites and petitioned them to allow them to take them in. They gave them the land of Jershon to have as an inheritance.

What is the saddest life experience that you can think of?

Why is this sad?

Could it be prevented?


In chapter 28 we will read about one of the worst events in the Book of Mormon.

Alma 28:1-2

What happened?

Alma 28:3-6

What was the state of the Nephites at this time?

Can you think of a time in our history when our people have had similar feelings?

How are the two events similar?

Alma 28:7-12

What sounds a little odd about this last statement?

Why is someone dying in wickedness a reason to sorrow?

Why can we rejoice when a righteous person dies, even though we will miss the person?

How might our sorrow at the physical death of a loved one differ from our sorrow when a loved one dies spiritually?

Alma 28:13-14

Doctrine and Covenants 93:38-39

All people are born innocent. What causes the inequality spoken of by Alma? (sin, transgression, disobedience…)

Why doesn’t everyone face death with the same perspective?

What can we do to offer others a better view of life and death?

How can we “labor in the vineyard of the Lord”?

Alma 29:1-3

What was Alma’s wish?

What frustrated him?

Alma 29:4-5

Sharing the gospel can bring great joy though it can also be very frustrating.

What can be frustrating about sharing the gospel?

Many wish to share the gospel but do not know how.

What are ways that we can share the gospel?

President Gordon B. Hinckley:
“[The Lord] expects us to be good neighbors, Christians in every sense of the word. Those who follow the golden rule-‘whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.’ (Matt. 7:12, 3 Ne. 14:12.) My brothers and sisters, we must be good neighbors. We must be a friendly people. We must recognize the good in all people. We don’t go about tearing down other churches. We preach and teach in a positive and affirmative way. We say to those of other faiths, ‘you bring with you all the good that you have and let us see if we can add to it.’ That is…the essence of our great missionary program and it yields results” (“Messages of Inspiration from President Hinckley,” Church News, 7 Nov. 1998, 2).

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