Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seminary: 63 Alma 31-32

Background: The Nephites experiences a period of peace which was interrupted by the preaching of an anti-Christ names Korihor. Korihor was brought before Alma who confounded him with the truth of the gospel. Korihor was then struck dumb as a sign of his power. He went from city to city begging and eventually was trampled by the people of the Zoramites.

Have a student read Alma 31:15-18

What do you think about this prayer?

There was a group of Nephites that went by the name of Zoramites. They had started to descent from the Nephites. They had grown up with the same teachings as the other Nephites though pride had driven to change their ways.

What does the prayer teach us about the Zoramites?

Have a student read Alma 31:26-35

How is Alma’s prayer different from the one that the Zoramites offer?

Alma 31:13, 21-22

How did the Zoramites worship?

Alma 21:1-2

Why was Alma worried about the Zoramites?

What did he hope would resolve the situation?

Alma 31:5

Why would he think that this approach would be successful?

If Alma had decided that sending an army instead of missionaries how would potential outcomes change?

Elder Boyd K. Packer:

“True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior.

“The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior” (Ensign, Nov. 1986, 17)

Show the playdough and piece of wood and ask a student to make a sculpture of a dog.

Which material is easier to work with? Why?

How can a new convert be compared to the clay?

What does it mean to have a soft heart? Hard heart?

Why is it necessary to have a soft heart to learn the gospel?

Alma 32:1-3

Which Zoramites were willing to listen to Alma?

Why do you think that many times poor people are more willing to listen than more prosperous persons?

In what ways might the Lord humble us?

Alma 32:13-16

Who is more blessed those that chose to be humble or those that are compelled to be humble?

How can the word of the Lord make us humble?

What can we do to be more humble? (prayer, scripture study, sharing testimony)

Alma 32:21

Hebrews 11:1

What is faith?

Have any of you been to Japan?

How do you know that it exists?

What evidence do you have that it exists?

How could you know for sure that it does exist?

How can we come to know that the President of the Church is a prophet of God?

If you don’t have a testimony of this how can you get one?

Draw :

Seed: Alma 32:28

Seedling: Alma 32:30

Plant: Alma 32:30-34

Small Tree: Alma 32:37

Tree: Alma 32:41-42

Video from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Alma 32:27-28)

How do we receive a personal testimony of Jesus Christ

1. Desire to believe

2. Search the scriptures

3. Do the will of God, Keep the commandments

What is required to grow fruit from a seed?
• Your soul must be fertile

• Your seed must be good

• You must plant the seed

• You must water it, weed it, fertilize it, and give it sunlight

• You must harvest the fruit

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Seminary: 62 Alma 30

Background: The Anti-Nephi-Lehis or People of Ammon are living among the Nephites. There was a terrible battle between the Lamanites and Nephites.

The Nephites experienced a period of great peace.

What happened the last time they had a period of peace? (Nehor)

Who was Nehor?

What affect did he have on the people?

Alma 30:6-12

What laws of the Nephites allowed the people to preach against the coming of Christ?

What is an anti-Christ?

What was the name of the anti-Christ?

Alma 30:12-18

What were the teachings of Korihor?

• No man can know of anything which is to come (v13) (You cannot believe the prophets or their prophecies)

• These things which ye call prophecies…are foolish traditions (v14) (The scriptures are not true)

• Ye cannot know of things which ye do not see (v15) (Unless you have physical evidence of religious truths, you should not believe)

• There is no remission of sins (v16) (Since there is no Christ, there can be no atonement for sin)

• Every man [fares] in this life according to the management of the creature (v17) (People prosper by their own efforts alone, not by God’s blessings)

• Whatsoever a man [does is] no crime (v17) (There is no such thing as sin).

• When a person dies, that is the end of him (v18) (There will be no future accounting of judgment since there is no life after death)

What might seem appealing about these teachings?

Alma 30:18

What affect did his teachings have on the people?

Have you heard any of these teachings today?

Why do some many of these teachings continue to be popular today?

What has the Lord provided today to help us dispel these teachings?

President Ezra Taft Benson:

“The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention. (See 2 Ne. 3:12.) It fortifies the humble followers of Christ against the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines of the devil in our day. The type of apostates in the Book of Mormon are similar to the type we have today. God, with his infinite foreknowledge, so molded the Book of Mormon that we might see the error and know how to combat false educational, political, religious, and philosophical concepts of our time” (Ensign, May 1975, 64)

George A. Smith shared the following Chinese fable in 1857

“A man travelling through the country came to a large city, very rich and splendid; he looked at it and said to his guide, ‘This must be a very righteous people, for I can only see but one little devil in this great city.’

“The guide replied, ‘You do not understand, sir. This city is so perfectly given up to wickedness, corruption, degradation, and abomination of every kind, that it requires but one devil to keep them all in subjection.’

“Travelling on a little further, he came to a rugged path and saw an old man trying to get up the hill side, surrounded by seven great, big, coarse-looking devils.

“’Why,’ says the traveler, ‘this must be a tremendously wicked old man! Only see how many devils there are around him!’

“’This,’ replied the guide,’ is the only righteous man in the country; and there are seven of the biggest devils trying to turn him out of his path, and they all cannot do it.’” (in Journal of Discourses, 5:363-64).

What does this fable teach us?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Seminary: 61 Alma 27-29

Background: After the Lamanites attack the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi they decide to go attack the Nephites since the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi won’t fight back. After attacking the Nephites and losing badly, the Lamanites again attack the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi.

How do you think the Sons of Mosiah felt watching their friends die under the hands of the Lamanites?

What would you do?

Ammon went to the Lord and asked him what he should do and the Lord told him to get those people out of that place. So he took them to the Nephites and petitioned them to allow them to take them in. They gave them the land of Jershon to have as an inheritance.

What is the saddest life experience that you can think of?

Why is this sad?

Could it be prevented?


In chapter 28 we will read about one of the worst events in the Book of Mormon.

Alma 28:1-2

What happened?

Alma 28:3-6

What was the state of the Nephites at this time?

Can you think of a time in our history when our people have had similar feelings?

How are the two events similar?

Alma 28:7-12

What sounds a little odd about this last statement?

Why is someone dying in wickedness a reason to sorrow?

Why can we rejoice when a righteous person dies, even though we will miss the person?

How might our sorrow at the physical death of a loved one differ from our sorrow when a loved one dies spiritually?

Alma 28:13-14

Doctrine and Covenants 93:38-39

All people are born innocent. What causes the inequality spoken of by Alma? (sin, transgression, disobedience…)

Why doesn’t everyone face death with the same perspective?

What can we do to offer others a better view of life and death?

How can we “labor in the vineyard of the Lord”?

Alma 29:1-3

What was Alma’s wish?

What frustrated him?

Alma 29:4-5

Sharing the gospel can bring great joy though it can also be very frustrating.

What can be frustrating about sharing the gospel?

Many wish to share the gospel but do not know how.

What are ways that we can share the gospel?

President Gordon B. Hinckley:
“[The Lord] expects us to be good neighbors, Christians in every sense of the word. Those who follow the golden rule-‘whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.’ (Matt. 7:12, 3 Ne. 14:12.) My brothers and sisters, we must be good neighbors. We must be a friendly people. We must recognize the good in all people. We don’t go about tearing down other churches. We preach and teach in a positive and affirmative way. We say to those of other faiths, ‘you bring with you all the good that you have and let us see if we can add to it.’ That is…the essence of our great missionary program and it yields results” (“Messages of Inspiration from President Hinckley,” Church News, 7 Nov. 1998, 2).

Friday, January 22, 2010

Seminary: 60 Alma 23-26

Background: Ammon’s brethren were released from prison and went to the land of Nephi to teach the King. He and his family were converted and established religious freedom to the Lamanites, and commanded his people to allow the sons of Mosiah free access to their churches and to not cause them any harm.

Play video of conversion story (Disclaimer)

Why are people typically enthusiastic about the Gospel when they share their conversion stories?

True conversion to the gospel brings many blessings.

President Ezra Taft Benson:

“Men captained by Christ will be consumed in Christ. To paraphrase President Harold B. Lee, they set fire in others because they are on fire. (See Stand Ye in Holy Places [Salt Lake City: Desert Book Co., 1974], p. 192.)

“Their will is swallowed up in His will. (See John 5:30)

“They do always those things that please the Lord (See John 8:29)

“Not only would they die for the Lord, but more important they want to live for Him.

“Enter their homes, and the pictures on their walls, the books on their shelves, the music in the air, the words and acts reveal them as Christians.

“They stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places. (See Mosiah 18:9)”
(Ensign, Nov. 1985, 6-7)
Divide class into four groups: Those Who are Truly Converted – Have them read the quotes and passages and teach the rest of the class.
Alma 23:1-7, 16-18

“Social, ethical, cultural, or educational converts will not survive under the heat of the day unless their taproots go down to the fullness of the gospel which the Book of Mormon contains (Ensign, May 1975, 65)

“The Book of Mormon…speaks of God, the creation of man, the Fall, the Atonement, the ascension of Christ into heaven, prophets, faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, endurance, prayer, justification and sanctification through grace, and loving and serving God.

“We must know these essential truths. Aaron and Ammon and their brethren in the Book of Mormon taught these same kinds of truths to the Lamanite (see Alma 18:22-39), who were ‘in the darkest abyss’ (Alma 26:3). After accepting these eternal truths, the Book of Mormon states, those converted Lamanites never did fall away. (See Alma 23:6)" (Ensign, Nov. 1984, 7)
Alma 24:6, 16-26

“In former days, disciples of the Lord ‘were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin’ [Alma 24:19]. In latter days, devoted disciples of the Lord are just as firm”
(Ensign, May 1994, 71).
“The nearer man approaches perfection, the clearer are his views, and the greater his enjoyments, till he has overcome the evils of his life and lost every desire for sin” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 51).
Alma 26:11-17, 35-37

“I feel so profoundly grateful in my heart for the blessings of the Lord. How good and kind and generous and wonderful He has been to us, as His sons and daughters. How thankful we ought to be every day of our lives” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Messages of Inspiration from President Hinckley,” Church News, 5 Dec. 1998, 2).

“Gospel gladness can be experienced…,as with Ammon, in rejoicing over being part of the Lord’s work” (Neal A. Maxwell, Meek and Lowly [1987], 39).
Alma 29:1-3, 9-14

“No joy is equal to bringing another to the light of the gospel” (Ensign, May 1984, 44).
See also D&C 18:15-16

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Seminary: 59 Alma 21-22

Background: Ammon and Lamoni reach Middoni and were able to convince the king of that land to release Ammon’s brethren.

Show a polished stone or other object that has been refined.

What do you notice about this object?

Prophet Joseph Smith:

“I am like a huge, rough stone rolling down from a high mountain; and the only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in contact with something else,…knocking off a corner here and a corner there. Thus will I become a smooth and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty”
(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 304).
What did Joseph Smith say helped him become a better servant of the Lord?

What are some examples of his suffering?

What are some examples of righteous persons in the scriptures who suffered?

Why does Heavenly father allow his servants to suffer?

Alma 17:2-3, Alma 20:28-30, Alma 21:13-14

What experiences faced by Ammon’s brothers might have challenged their faith?

Why do you think their missionary experience was so different from Ammon’s?

How did they react to their hardships?

Elder Marion D. Hanks:

“The promise is that in times of sorrow and affliction, if we endure and remain faithful and put our trust in him and are courageous, the Lord will visit us in our afflictions, strengthen us to carry our burdens, and support us in our trials. He’ll be with us to the end of our days, lift us at the last day to greater opportunities for service, and exalt us at last with us at last with him and reunited loved ones, and he will consecrate our afflictions to our gain.”
Elder Rex D. Pinegar:

“There is terrible suffering in our world today. Tragic things happen to good people. God does not cause them, nor does He always prevent them. He does, however, strengthen us and bless us with His peace through earnest prayer.”
(Ensign, May 1993, 67)
Elder Ronald E. Poelman:

“Without adversity, we may tend to forget the divine purpose of mortality and live our lives focused on the transitory things of the world.

“Should we therefore desire or seek to experience adversity and suffering? No! May we appropriately try to avoid it? Yes! Is it proper to ask for relief? Yes, always adding, in accordance with the Savior’s example, ‘nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt’ (Matthew 26:39)” (Ensign, May 1989, 24)
Tell the story of Lamoni’s father

What do you think it means to “know God”?

What do you think it means to “give away your sins”?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seminary: 58 Alma 20

Background: The people of Lamoni were converted unto the Lord.

Hold up an object, and ask a student to change it into something else.

Why can’t you do it?

What difference would it make if the Lord told you to do it?

What commandments, if any, had the Lord given that seem impossible to keep?

Who are some people from the scriptures who were asked by the Lord to do things that might have seemed impossible?

What made is possible for each person to accomplish the command?

Why do you think they even attempted such tasks?

Did they always know beforehand how they would accomplish their tasks?

What could they rely on until the commandment was fulfilled?

Alma 20:1-3

What task did the Lord give Ammon?

Why would this assignment be difficult?

Why was Ammon ready to do as the Lord asked prior to knowing how to accomplish it?

Alma 20:4 – first sentence

How did Lamoni show that he had faith in the Lord’s ability to help His children accomplish his commands?

Romans 8:31

What principles do these passages speak of?

Alma 20:4-7

How did the Lord provide a way for Ammon to accomplish the command that he gave him?

-Change of subject

Why do people get angry?

On the way to Middoni Ammon and Lamoni run into Lamoni’s father.

3 Nephi 11:29

Who is the source of angry feelings?

What did Ammon warn the king about his anger?

Why do you think that Ammon told the king about the spiritual danger of anger rather than simply defending Lamoni with his sword?

Why is it difficult to feel the Spirit when we are angry?

Elder Lynn G. Robbins:

“We can ‘do away’ with anger, for He has so taught and commanded us.

“Anger is a yielding to Satan’s influence by surrendering our self-control. It is the thought-sin that leads to hostile feelings or behavior. It is the detonator of road rage on the freeway, flare-ups in the sports arena, and domestic violence in homes.

“Unchecked, anger can quickly trigger an explosion of cruel words and other forms of emotional abuse that can scar a tender heart.”
(Ensign, May 1998, 80-81)
President Gordon B. Hinckley:

“May I suggest that you watch your temper now, in these formative years of your life….This is the season to develop the power and capacity to discipline yourselves. You may think it is the macho thing to flare up in anger and swear and profane the name of the Lord. It is not the macho thing. It is an indication of weakness. Anger is not an expression of strength. It is an indication of one’s inability to control his thoughts, words, his emotions. Of course it is easy to get angry. When the weakness of anger takes over, the strength of reason leaves. Cultivate within yourselves the mighty power of self-discipline”
(Ensign, Nov. 1991, 51)
“If you have a temper, now is the time to learn to control it. The more you do so while you are young, the more easily it will happen. Let no member of this Church ever lose control of himself in such an unnecessary and vicious manner.”
(Ensign, May 1998, 50)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seminary: 57 Alma 17-19

Background: Alma and Amulek preached to the people in the land of Ammonihah, some accept the gospel, many reject it. Many of the believers were killed by the unbelievers. Alma and Amulek are imprisoned, the Lord saves them. They go to the land of Sidom and rejoin with the believers that left Ammonihah and set up a church there in Sidom.
Over the last month we have been talking about what happened to Alma since the time that the Sons of Mosiah left. We are not going to discuss the events that they witnessed.
Alma 17:1-4

How long were the Sons of Mosiah on their mission? (14 years)
Chapter heading prior to chapter 17
What do the chapters 17-26 of Alma describe?
What physical and material preparation must a missionary take prior to going on a mission?

Physical: clothing, physical checkup, dental work, saving money, buying supplies
What spiritual preparation must a missionary take prior to going on a mission?

Read the scriptures, praying, fasting, make temple covenants, gaining a testimony, learning the Gospel
Why is physical preparation important to a missionary’s success?
Why is spiritual preparation important to a missionary’s success?
How will a missionary’s success be affected when preparation is lacking?
Alma 17:3-6

What physical preparations did the Sons of Mosiah make?
What spiritual preparations did the Sons of Mosiah make?
Consider for a moment your thoughts or feelings about serving a mission. How do you think that the Sons of Mosiah felt prior to serving a mission?
What stories do you know that show examples of Missionaries services, service, study and fasting in order to receive the Lord’s power.
How could the spirit of revelation and the ability to teach “with power and authority of God” bless the lives of others?
Elder W. Mack Lawrence:

“That same spirit of revelation-the spirit of conversion, if you will-is available to each of us as we diligently seek for it through fasting, prayer, obedience, and searching the scriptures” (Ensign, May 1996, 75)
For those of us that group up in the Church. Do we automatically get a testimony?
What are some of the differences between the conversion processes for kids that grow up in the Church vs. kids that have never heard of the Church?
What are some of the elements that are easier or harder for the two processes?
Doctrine and Covenants 84:85
What does this scripture mean?
Is this scripture contrary to the materials that we are given to assist with missionary work?
Write: “Live in such a way that people who know you but don’t know Christ will want to know Christ because they know you” (Ensign, May 1994, 68)
Moses 6:63

How does this scripture relate to the message on the board?

In what ways can our lives testify of Christ?
What is the major purpose of the Book of Mormon? (to convince the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ)
President Ezra Taft Benson:

“The honest seeker after truth can gain the testimony that Jesus is the Christ as he prayerfully ponders the inspired words of the Book of Mormon….

“…Let us read the Book of Mormon so that we might more fully come to Christ, be committed to Him, centered in Him, and consumed in Him” (Ensign, Nov. 1987, 83, 85).
Ask someone to explain the story of Ammon in the land of Ishmael.

Effective gospel teaching includes the following elements:

1. The existence of God

2. The creation

3. The Fall

4. The Plan of Redemption

Elder Bruce R. McConkie:

“The three greatest events that ever have occurred or ever will occur in all eternity are these:

“1. The creation of the heavens and the earth, of man and of all forms of life;

“2. The fall of man, of all forms of life and of the earth itself from their primeval and paradisiacal state to their present mortal state; and

“3. The infinite and eternal atonement, which ransoms man, all living things, and the earth also from their fallen state so that the salvation of the earth and of all living things may be completed.

“These three divine events-the three pillars of eternity-are inseparably woven together into one grand tapestry known as the eternal plan of salvation.” (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 81)

Background: Ammon taught king Lamoni about the Gospel, Lamoni believes and becomes unconscious. His body was taken to his home.
Alma 19:1-4
In what state is Lamoni in?
What other Book of Mormon character was in a similar state?
How many days was that person incapacitated?
Why would Lamoni’s wife ask for Ammon’s help?
Alma 19:5
Why do you think that the queen had a different reaction concerning King Lamoni than did his servants?
Why do you think the servants may have acted in that manner?
Alma 19:6
What changes was Lamoni going through?
What was influencing him?
What type of man was Lamoni prior to this event?
Would it have been easy for him to go through this transition from who he was to who he became?

Elder Bruce R. McConkie:

“Those who heed the enticements and submit to the strivings of the Holy Spirit (which is the light of Christ) are enabled to receive the Holy Spirit (which is the Holy Ghost).

“We have no better illustration of the full operation of the light of Christ upon an investigator of the gospel than what happened to King Lamoni?
(A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 261)
Alma 19:8-10

What was her response to Ammon’s promise?

Why was her response a show of great faith?

Alma 19:13

What effect did Lamoni’s testimony and the power of the Spirit of God have on his wife?

Alma 19:14

How did Ammon show he was a humble missionary?

Alma 19:16-17

What effect did this event have on the servants?

Were all the servants affected?

What do we know about Abish?

What opportunity did she recognize and seize?

What missionary opportunities have you had?

Alma 19: 22-23

What can we learn from these verses about the Lord’s promises?

Alma 19:24-29

Why would there be such different reactions to the Lord’s miracles?

Why was Abish concerned about the contention that was arising?

Alma 19:31-35

What affect did their testimony have on the people that were gathered?

Alma 19:36

Who is invited to receive the Holy Ghost?

What must we do to receive it?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Seminary: 56 Alma 14-16

Background: Alma and Amulek finish their testifying and religious debate with Zeezrom.

Have you ever been accused of doing something wrong that you did not do?

How did you feel?

Have you ever been punished for something someone else did?

How did you feel?

Have you ever been punished for something someone else did, everyone knew that the other person did it and what they did was not bad?

Does this seem fair? Why?

After Alma and Amulek finished their discourse some of the on-lookers believed in their words and were converted, though the majority was angered. Alma and Amulek were imprisoned. The leaders of the people gathered together all of the believers and the scriptures and threw them into a giant fire with Alma and Amulek watching.
Do you see the hypocrisy of what the people are doing?

Alma 14:3

Cross Alma 16:2

Why do those who are doing wrong get angry at those who call them to repentance?

Alma 14:6-7

Zeezrom had previously been recognized as “one of the most expert” among the lawyers (Alma 10:31). Why wouldn’t the people listen to him now?

Alma 14:10-11

What doctrine in this verse can bring some comfort regarding those who suffer for the gospel?

How might the example of those who are patient in affliction strengthen us during our difficult times?

Alma 14:17-19

Why do you think that no response was the best answer?

Alma 14:26-29

Have you ever felt like asking this same question?

How did the Lord finally deliver Alma and Amulek from their affliction?

Why were they preserved?

Elder James E. Faust:

“Let us not presume that because the way is at times difficult and challenging, our Heavenly Father is not mindful of us….May each of us follow the Lord’s comforting counsel: ‘Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of the days’ (D&C 24:8)” (“The blessings of Adversity,” Ensign, Feb. 1998, 7)
After leaving Ammonihah Alma and Amulek go to Sidom. There they find the men that believed in Alma and Amulek’s testimony and were kicked out of Ammonihah. Zeezrom was with them and was very sick as a result of him believing that his evil acts had caused their and other’s deaths.

Elder Boyd K. Packer:

“I recently asked a doctor of family medicine how much of his time was devoted purely to correcting physical disorders. He has a large practice, and after thoughtfully considering, he answered, ‘not more than 20 percent. The rest of the time I seem to be working on problems that very much affect the physical well-being of my patients but do not originate in the body.

“’These physical disorders,’ the doctor concluded, ‘are merely symptoms of some other kind of trouble.’” (Ensign, Nov. 1977, 59).
What nonphysical troubles can cause physical sickness? (stress, worry, anger, fear, guilt).

Can sin cause a person to become physically ill? How?

Alma 15:3

What had caused Zeezrom’s sickness?

In what ways could Alma and Amulek help Zeezrom?

Elder Boyd K. Packer continued:

“There is another part of us, not so tangible, but quite as real as our physical body. This intangible part of us is described as mind, emotion, intellect, temperament, and many other things. Very seldom is it described as spiritual.

“But there is a spirit in man; to ignore it as to ignore reality. There are spiritual disorders, too, and spiritual diseases that can cause intense suffering.

“The body and the spirit of man are bound together. Often, very often, when these are disorders, it is very difficult to tell which is which.” (Ensign, Nov. 1977, 59)
Alma 15:6

Why was this question important in order for Zeezrom to be healed?

Video: Boyd K. Packer – Zeezrom Lay Sick…On Account of His Wickedness

Besides his need to overcoming his fever, what else did Zeezrom need to overcome?

Elder Boyd K. Packer:

“The person who by faith, devotion, righteousness, and personal worthiness, is in a position to be healed, is also in a position to have the justifying approval of the Spirit for his course of life, and his sins are forgiven him, as witnessed by the fact that he receives the companionship of the Spirit, which he could not have if he were unworthy.” (Mormon Doctrine, 297-98)
Alma 16:2-3

What was the end result for the people of Ammonihah?

Some of the Nephites desired to recover the people that were taken by the Lamanites.

Alma 16:5

Why did Zoram go to Alma?

What can this teach us?

Alma 16:7-8

What did Zoram do? What were the results?