Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Seminary: 97 Mormon 8

Background: The final battle came and all but Moroni were killed. The Lamanites also hunted down the Nephites that escaped to the south and killed them.

Write: “Real courage includes standing against the evil one, even when we stand alone, often feeling the disdain and the ridicule of others. This is courage. This is strength. This is manhood, and it can be tough” (Bishop Richard C. Edgley, Ensign, Nov. 1999, 42).

Have any of you ever felt alone, either physically or emotionally?

How did that feeling affect you?

Does it feel different to be alone physically versus being surrounded by people and being alone emotionally? What are the differences?

Is one harder than the other?

Does having a friend help even if it is only one person?

How would it feel when that person is gone and you are alone again?

Now imagine those feelings and add to it that you just saw a majority of your people killed in front of you and those people are looking for you trying to kill you and everything you believe in.

Would there be any temptation to give up and let them find you?

What if you were given a commandment to fulfill?

This was Moroni’s situation. He was the last of his people left to finish the work that his father started and having to hide and move constantly in order to do it.

What was the task that he was given by his Father and the Lord?

Mormon 8:12

What are the “greater things” that Moroni testifies that we can learn?

Mormon 8:16

Who is Moroni talking about in this verse? (Joseph Smith)

What does he mean that it, the Book or Mormon, will shine forth out of darkness? (“shine is a symbol referencing the Spirit which was used through the Urim and Thummin to translate the plates).

Moroni 8:17

What faults could there be in this work?

In saying that “God knoweth all things” what is he encouraging people to do if they find fault in this work?

What does “condemn” mean? (To express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of;

So what doe sit mean to condemn something?

What is “hell”?

Moroni said, “he that condemeth, let him be aware lest he shall be in danger of hell fire.”

What does this mean?

Mormon 8:21

What does “strife” mean? (Vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or

What does wrath mean? (strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire).

What does it mean to “breath out wrath and strife against the work of the Lord”?

What power does Satan control? (contention)

By raising contention you are putting yourself in the power of Satan and thus your eternal state is in jeopardy.

What does Moroni mean by saying “hewn down and cast into the fire”? (agricultural reference)

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