Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seminary: 88 3 Nephi 17

Background: In the last days the gospel will go to the gentiles and then to the house of Israel, missionary work.

Write: dinner, soccer game, math test, date with a friend, school, mission call, temple marriage, taking the sacrament, receiving revelation.

Write: Preparation precedes power.

Is this statement true? Why?

How does this statement apply to these events?

Why is it important to receive revelation?

How should do you prepare to receive revelation?

What might happen if you do not prepare?

3 Nephi 17:1-2

What does the Lord saying to the people?

3 Nephi 17:3

What were the four instructions that the Savior gave to them?
1. Go to their homes

2. Ponder upon the things which he said

3. Ask the Father in his name that they may understand

4. Prepare their minds for the next day

Why do you think that being home would be helpful in their preparation?

What does “ponder” mean? (to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate).

What does “meditate” mean? (to engage in thought or contemplation; reflect).

How does pondering and meditation help us to prepare for revelation?

How do these relate to prayer?

How does prayer fit into the process of receiving revelation?

Who is familiar with the story of the first vision?

What events lead up to the appearance of God the Father and Jesus Christ?

What is similar to the events in the story of the first vision and what Christ told the Nephites to do?

Continue to study, and pray so that you may receive revelations as to the truthfulness of the Gospel.

Sister Anne. G Wirthlin:

“The Savior has given us a pattern to follow as we study the scriptures. We hear the word, we ponder upon its meaning, we ask our Heavenly Father to help us understand, and then our minds and hearts are prepared to receive the promised blessings. Pondering, is more than reading words; it is searching for meanings that will help us as we relate to one another and as we make choices in our lives. It is allowing the word to move from our minds to our hearts. The Spirit bears witness to our hearts as we prayerfully seek to know the things of our Heavenly Father. When we have that witness and knowledge, we think and live and relate to each other in more Christlike ways” (Ensigni, May 1998, 10).
Think of someone you admire because of the way that they treat others.

Who did you choose?

How has this person been a positive influence in the Church, school or community?

Why do you think that treating other compassionately is so important?

Is there a time that a person has shown you extreme compassion or kindness?

How did that impact you?

Is there a time that a person mistreated or ignored you?

How did that impact you?

This chapter talks about how the Savior spent time among the Nephites personally teaching and strengthening them

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