Monday, April 26, 2010

Seminary: 95 Mormon 3-5

Background: At the age of 16 Mormon was made the leader of the Nephite armies. There are mighty wars and many of the Nephites were killed and the people are in a state of mourning.

What was the state of the Nephite nation at this time? (wicked, they gloried in sinning and the destruction of their brethren).

What do we know about Mormon up to this point? (He was asked to keep the records by Ammaron at the age of 10, at the age of 16 he was made the leader of the Nephite armies, he was righteous).

Who did Mormon have stewardship over?

Who does he have a right to receive revelation for?

Mormon 3:2

What did the Lord tell Mormon?

What was the state of the “church” at this point in time? (“…build up again…”)

What do you think Mormon was feeling after this? How would you feel?

Mormon 3:3

What did Mormon do?

How did the people respond?

Mormon was about 50 years old at this time. He had spent all of his days leading, protecting, praying for and preaching to his people. All the while he has watched them spiral down in to more and more wickedness.

Now how do you think he felt? How would you feel?

Mormon 3:10

What action did he take?

While Mormon is standing on the sidelines watching and chronicling the history of the Nephites he sees his people falling into destruction.

Mormon 5:1-2

What decision did Mormon make?

What was his feelings about his decision? (“he was without hope”)

Why do you think he made this decision?

Wars continued and many were killed.

Mormon 5:8-9

What does abridgment mean?

“A shortened or condensed form of a book, speech, etc., that still retains the basic contents” (
What is the abridgment that Mormon referenced?

Why did he write did he write the abridgement?

• That a knowledge of these things (the destruction of the Nephites)

Why did he dare not to give a full account? (because of the commandments which he had received)

Why would the Lord command him not to provide a full account of the things that he has seen?

In speaking about the abridgment that Mormon would make the Lord told Mormon: Mormon 5:13-15

What is the intent that the Lord wants these words to be used for?

• That the unbelieving may be persuaded that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
• That the Father may bring about his great and eternal purpose in restoring the house of Israel to the land of their inheritance to fulfill his covenant.

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