Thursday, September 17, 2009

Seminary: 11 1 Nephi 19

Background: The reach the seashore, the "land of Bountiful" after eight years of travel.  Nephi was commanded to build a boat.  Laman and Lemuel want to kill Nephi though Nephi was filled with the power of God and stopped them.  They finished the ship and departed together into the sea.  The Liahona stopped working due to their the disobedience of Laman, Lemuel and the sons of Ishmael (and their families). Their lives are threatened by storms and they repent release Nephi and the Liahona starts working again.  The finally reach the promised land.

What do you consider most sacred in your life?

How do you feel when people mock or belittle them?

1 Nephi 19:7

What does it mean to "set something as naught?"

It means to treat is as something that is not worth anything.

How is is possible to "trample" the Savior under one's feet?

To trample something means to put it beneath you.  By fighting against the Lord's people and his commandments they are setting his gospel as "naught" or saying that it has no worth and that it is beneath you.

What does "hearken" mean?

To hearken to something is more than just listening to something.  It is listening and then obeying.  Hearken implies action.

1 Nephi 19:18-19

Again, why did Nephi write these words?

That he "might persuade them that they might remember the Lord their redeemer."

How do people today ignore the counsels of the Lord?

There three types of people that ignore the counsel of the Lord; those that hear the counsel but think that it does not apply to them but to someone else, there are those that do not believe in the words and do not follow them, and there are those that believe but do not care to obey the counsel.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught:
"We speak with wonder and horror, and properly we should, of the fact that the Jews, with the scriptures, the miracles, and the mighty works before them, yet rejected their God, and did it so violently and with such a fixed determination that they brought about his death by Roman hands.  To enable us to keep our perspective, however, we need to view with fairness and dispassion how and in what manner he was rejected and ask whether he would be so treated today.  As Jacob said, only the Jews, among all the then existing nations, seeing the miracles he did and being aware of the wonders he performed, would have crucified him. (1 Nephi 19-7-9)   But would others among men have rejected him, and how and in what manner do men reject so great a thing as the ministry of a God among them?" (The Promised Messiah, 494-95)

Common warnings we hear:

  • Don't run in the street!
  • Don't play with fire!
  • Don't take candy from a stranger!
Where have you heard these before?

Why would someone give these warnings?

What is the danger of ignoring these warnings?

If you warned a friend and they ignored the warning and got hurt how would you feel?

What would happen to the Jews who were at Jerusalem during the crucifixtion?  Why?

Bruce R. McConkie gave the answer to this question:
"Why was Israel scattered?  The answer is clear; it is plain; of it there is no doubt.  Our Israelite forebears were scattered because they rejected the gospel, defiled the priesthood, forsook the church, and departed from the kingdom.  They were scattered because they turned from the Lord, worshiped false gods, and walked in all the ways of the heathen nations.  They were scattered because they forsook the Abrahamic covenant, trampled under their feet the holy ordinances, and rejected the Lord Jehovah, who is the Lord Jesus, of whom all their prophets testified.  Israel was scattered for apostasy.  The Lord in his wrath, because of their wickedness and rebellion, scattered them among the heathen in all the nations of the earth" (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], 515).
At what point will Israel be gathered by the Lord?

That process has already been started.  Our sending of the missionaries throughout the world is the fulfillment of this prophecy.  The scattered Israel are being gathered in by the Gentiles.

What does it mean to liken the scriptures to oneself?

To liken the scriptures means to try to apply them to oneself.

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