Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am not the smartest or most learned person in the world. There are many things that I do not know and only so much that I know I can comprehend. With that being said I have come to a knowledge that truth is absolute. Our perceptions of what is true may change at times but truth is eternal. I can convenience someone that an event did not happen or sway an audience to think that I am someone that I am not but that does not change what is true, just their perception of what is true.

As I mentioned earlier, I do not know all things, though some would say that I pretend to. There are many things that I hope for, things that I believe in and a very few things that I truly know. I know that the source of our ability to discern truth from fiction stems from our maker. He has promised us that he will send his spirit to those seeking truth to confirm what is true and what is false. The scriptures tell us that the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (Galatians 5:22-23). Only the spirit of God can promote such feelings. It is by these these feelings that we can understand truth, though do not be deceived since Satan can generate similar but different feelings.

It is through this medium that I have come to know of the love of our God, and that he desire for us to be happy and to return to him again. All he has done, is doing and will be doing is for this purpose. I know that our Saviour lives and that he loves each one of us. I know that the Lord has a Prophet on the earth today to help guide us in his path. There are many more things that I believe and hope of which there are too many things for me to note in this message.